Sunday, October 2, 2011

City of Fresno / Mayor Autry annihilating residents behind water scam

Former Fresno Mayor Alan Mayor and his accomplice Wilbert G. Swieso wanted control of Rolf’s properties (Olive Ave.) as well as my home around corner. So they recruited + paid off my siblings to participate in having us killed. Risk analyst lied/set us up; Rolf / neighbors left dead.

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So sure I would also be dead, home also gutted, rebuilt with trash on top secretly-replaced water system. Altered records, perjury, R.O., death threats against me for pleading help/restitution. 
Attorney for fraudulent legal documents:

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This is why Mayor Alan Autry prohibited reports – every avenue of seeking help severed. Poisoned, robbed, raped, income properties taken by fraud (with siblings paid off), fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent insurance policy (appointing Swieso “beneficiary”), real estate fraud, property insurance fraud (all 3 props), everything stolen/switched with trash, called a “liar” – door slammed. Left unemployable, in fear for my life, told I will be meeting the others, “in another world.” Of course I will – there is no alternative.

DiBuduo & DeFendis Ins. conspired with Swieso in vacating Rolf’s properties – “planted” tenant also involved in creating the damages.

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City came after me next – perjury to deny this took place. Later admitting it took place, telling me the “previous owner had it done.”

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Murders/deaths on all sides linked – all reports, evidence prohibited. Several used and discarded, leaving no obvious trails to Autry or Swieso. Evidence behind the deaths of our earlier family members not only buried behind the Mayor’s lies and cover-up, my siblings stepped into the “rotation system” – they served their purposes too.

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Alan Autry refers to this as an “infrastructure upgrade.” It appears to be taking place nation-wide for reasons ????? Swieso boasts that his portion is completely separate “the continuation of Bonadelle’s secret water operation” (linked to the central valley “water shortage”) – says all he has to do is have records altered and no one (including most City employees) will ever figure it out.

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