Friday, January 22, 2010

I was turned into SHARK BAIT! Fresno, CA

As I have repeated stated, the hell has never ended.  Once targeted, there is no way out of this nightmare. (Click: Marla) Stripped of human and civil rights, prohibited from help or even filing a report! This is merely the latest example of ongoing hell and how I am treated after being set up for annihilation by the City of Fresno so they could seize control of my property to carry out their water scam. 

CLICK:  (Updated link inserted 2011)

Most recently, behind my back without my knowledge or consent, my cement driveway was torn up - replaced with brand new cement. WHAT WAS DONE THIS TIME? A repeat of what took place the first time - my home torn up and rebuilt on top of the City's secrety-replaced water system!  South side of house cut back so far the crawl space in basement no longer exists - now a cinder block wall!  Driveway cut back so much I can no longer get into the vehicle without hitting the sides. I live in absolute terror as the horrors continue.

At the very least I wanted this documented. I was/am entitled to report such vandalism on PRIVATE PROPERTY so I filed an online Police report.  Which was refused - just as all my other reports have been refused.  Instead, the City of Fresno altered records to cover up what took place, committed perjury to deny, issued a Restraining Order against ME as though I am the criminal, followed by sexual harassment (in-between being raped) and death threats if I continue to seek help or restitution for what they did to me!

CLICK:  (For some reason this will not open unless you copy/paste the link?!?)

AFTER ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED, I STARTED COMPLETELY OVER - FILED A NEW REPORT, REFERENCING THE TEMPORARY CASE NUMBER. Finally, after nearly 3 weeks, it was acknowledged. Turned over to someone with higher authority, CHECK THIS OUT!

Fresno's risk analysts covering up more utility fraud

Accompanying the secret replacement of the city water system described here Click: Marla is the unauthorized relocation / reconnecting of utility poles. Same group - having records altered to cover up what is taking place, as though there were always this many poles and they were always standing in the middle of sidewalks.  Escalating ADA violations.


No record of various streets being widened or sidewalks narrowed. Denial of storm drains being replaced, because there is no record of the streets being widened - more altered records as though this is not happening?!? Below: Olive Ave. between Fruit and Palm Aves.

Not only did the risk analysts commit perjury to deny this taking place, they are using "planted" neighbors as "credible witnesses" that none of this took place. The same "planted" neighbors linked to the group behind the illegal rewiring, relocating/reconnecting of these utility poles. What better way to recruit / silence people than to offer free utilities. Although it could be easily verified, disclosure laws protect those who are "allegedly" stealing neighbor's utilities.

PG&E insists there is nothing wrong with their Smart Meters. With the office personnel looking at altered records, they also insist that their utility poles have not been altered, relocated, reconnected. Witnesses and photographs are disregarded - PG&E's office personnel go by their records ONLY. Take another look at those poles, in addition to the evidence that proves the perjury committed to deny this taking place. To begin with, since when did the City of Fresno's risk analysts take charge of PG&E's utility poles? When it accompanies the other lies and fraud. Altering public records to get by with endangering and deceiving the public should be enough to figure out where the problem lies. Hence the perjury, followed by death threats and sexual harassment.

With time running out, all I ask is this ....

..... unlike those before me, I want the truth about my death to be known. I, nor the others, were able to survive the municipal fraud taking place in Fresno, CA. The city risk analysts, Swieso, Winslow, Blob - the list goes on. The more I ever exposed, the worse things became.

Some time ago I was informed that I although I made it further than any of the rest, for me there was/is no way out. I refused to accept that finale and continued my battle. Even Winslow told me I would be meeting the others, including his former wife who he claims to have eliminated in order to pull this off, "in another world". Instead of accepting that finale I researched and exposed evidence that should have resulted in having this man stopped and investigated. Click: Winslow - Rags-to-Riches (He also took credit for what was done to my handicapped uncle prior to his death - gruesome.)

Clearly it is true - I did make it further than any of the others, including my family as well as neighbors on 3 sides who were left dead; attempted murder of me. Fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent life insurance policy, property insurance fraud, real estate fraud, same scenario done to others in order to "clear the path." This is a 50-yr operation - of course I am the enemy for surviving - hence, the close monitoring, sabotaging and ongoing death threats for exposing this nightmare. It is also true - there is no way out of this for me; I most certainly am going to meet the others, "in another world" as planned and attempted from the beginning. There is no help - reporting the atrocities was always treated as the biggest crime of all, including the City of Fresno's risk analyst who conspires in setting up various property owners for annihilation, followed by altered records to cover up the evidence. The City of Fresno supports what she did - including the cover-up of those who died after being DELIBERATELY exposed to raw sewage, followed by properties being taken by fraud in order to carry out the secret replacement of the city water system. They simply use illegally-altered records to call me a "liar" - evidence (including THEIR OWN RECORDS) is not allowed. On record, they have made ME appear the criminal; THEY are the victims. (Same technique as the "planted" tenants who conspired with Swieso in the hell and fraudulent lawsuits. Regardless that they never won in court, outsiders only see my name on record, which serves to further discredit me.)

Run? My home went from being valued at $200,000 to, according to one contractor, $35,000. Everything I owned was stolen / switched with trash - called a "liar" as insurance sabotaged so I could not file a claim for ANYTHING. Left unemployable due to the filming while being poisoned out of my mind. I mortgaged my home in order to keep the 2 income properties taken by fraud; the mortgage is now in excess of the value of my home. Run? Where. With what. I was left pinned into a corner with no way out for a reason - my finale. They still need a revised deed / parcel map for the final property on this block. Stay tuned - after I am gone, these properties will be leveled. It was not expected I would still be alive, which is why the switching and rebuilding with such trash. Unclamping the water lines was another technique. From what I understand, there was to be another fire and insurance claims - no one would ever know how they were stripped first either.

The attorney behind the fraudulent legal documents was protected by CA BAR Assn. Cover-up in Fresno The real estate fraud (more intercepting of Swieso), resulted in being cheated in excess of $1 million, also covered up. This is how Principal Insurance responded to reports of Swieso forging and altering insurance papers and legal documents. (Not only what he did to me, but as his former employee, I reporting seeing him do it to countless others!)

Keep in mind that there is no record or accounting for the operation taking place throughout Fresno - where is all the money coming from? It appears to be funded from property insurance claims, life insurance fraud and real estate theft.

In addition to the suspected homicides of my family members, this operation is behind the unsolved Polzin murder directly across the street. When I told that to the sr. risk analyst, who said I would never prove what took place, he laughed. (I did prove it, hence the death threats.) Another coincidence? Mr. Polzin's estate attorney was the same attorney who conspired with Swieso in the fraudulent legal documents for my family's properties - then closed his office and fled after being reported. Despite a reward for information behind the Polzin murder:

Running would not have been the answer anyway. I learned that lesson when D.F.B. thought she could escape these people. She pled for help, saying she had been poisoned with intent to kill. Just like me, due to her behavior while being poisoned, no one believed her. Deceased, age 39. D.F.B. was linked to another former boss, who conspired with Swieso in setting me up back in the 80s. He called me 2 weeks prior to his suicide (50 yrs old) - distraught, saying, "I can't tell you - you wouldn't understand." He was right - at the time I would not have understood. Not only because of the unknown chemicals but because I trusted him too. All I can do is look back. Not only do I see how these 2 people set me up for what was coming, I see how they were recruited, used and appear to have been discarded after their services were no longer needed. Although the evidence remains, an outsider will never figure it out.

At this point I can provide 60 names linked to poisoning, suspected homicides, disappearances. Imagine what would have happened had the information been looked into - how many others would have come forward with more information. Or if had exposed Part II - what is being done to residents without their knowledge. (Beyond belief - inhumane.) It was not allowed. The focus was always on discrediting me, making sure I was prohibited from even filing a report. That way, there would be no record or evidence left behind.

All I am asking at this point is that the truth behind my death not be covered up. The truth is behind the smokescreen, which I am ashamed to admit my own siblings were part of creating - chemicals used to turn me into a psychotic nightmare - filmed with hidden cameras. To outsiders, I could not appear worse - this is how my siblings collected $$$$. The "rotation system." Now watch how they (and nephews) will rotate out and who ends up with the assets. (It has been implied that 2 of my 3 siblings are already dead - if not, they will be.) As Winslow said, "After you get rid of the first one, the rest are easy." (Demonstrated in above link re: his former wife and her family? Same group, inc. same atty who prepared the first fraudulent legal documents!)

In Fresno, families are not entitled to be safe in their own homes - various City employees conspire in having targeted victims annihilated in order to have structures rebuilt (without permits or inspections) on top of the secretly-replaced water system without leaving witnesses or complaints. Records are then altered to deceive the public; new owners are held liable to maintain the clamped sewer and water lines as well as major code violations.

Please, at this point, do not assume or report me as being suicidal because I want the truth about my impending death to be known - I have NEVER been suicidal. Suicidal people do not invest the kind of time or energy as I did, in trying to survive. Try to understand that one does not need to be suicidal - when they have run out of time, it is that simple. And of course let's not forget that old saying, "You can't fight City Hall." Although my remaining time will continue being put into exposing this operation - I have seen this happen enough to know how the truth is twisted after victims are dead.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Is CA next? CA Earthquake Info / Predictions


Cities have been rebuilt on top of a secretly-replaced water system. Complete failure to protect public health or maintain compliance issues and/or appropriate safety factors. Public records altered to cover up the evidence of this operation. To fully understand the danger we have already been unknowingly been put in, as well as the potential dangers we are facing, see photos and information. Click: Marla

CA is experiencing an increase in earthquakes. Just recently:

Northern CA had another earthquake Jan. 8, 2010. 6.5 magnitude in Ferndale.

A 5.9 quake occurred east of San Diego on December 31, 2009.

Rather than continuing with this list, let's look ahead, to what is expected to occur in the central valley.

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This is a portion of info from the County of Fresno:

Fresno County’s General Plan Update
February 2000

"These 12 pages describe how Fresno could be affected by earthquakes and related seismic hazards. It describes the active and potentially active faults within and adjacent to Fresno County. Ground shaking is the primary seismic hazard. Settlement of groundwater and physical rearrangement. Settlement of sufficient magnitude causes significant structural damage.

The State of California provides standards for building design through the CA Uniform Building Code (CUBC) and has been modified for CA conditions and numerous more detailed and/or stringent regulations. The State Earthquake protection law (CA Health & Safety Code 19100 et seq) requires that buildings be designed to resist stresses produced by lateral forces caused by wind and earthquakes. Installation of underground utility lines must comply with industry standards specific to the type of utility (e.g., National Clay Pipe Institute for sewers and American Water Works Assn. for water lines.) These standards contain specifications for installation and design.

Fresno County Grading Ordinance (Section 7001, March 1991) stipulates safety and environmental measures for construction practices. It is probable that Fresno will be affected by at least one moderate to large earthquake during the 20-yr timeframe of the General Plan. Broken water supplies and sewer lines are a major concern."

To read the full 12-page report, click on

Note: We are now at year 10 of the predicted 20 yrs mentioned above.

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Earthquake Shaking Potential, Central Valley (Delta) Area

Most residents of the Central Valley, including the Delta region, are familiar with the occasional “roll” of a Bay Area earthquake. However, few know that there are actually earthquake-producing faults that underlie the valley sediments below them. These faults have been deeply buried by sediments deposited by flooding rivers since they last ruptured. Included in this group is a buried fault that in 1892 produced a strong (estimated M6.6) earthquake centered in the Vacaville-Winters area, where significant damage occurred. Other poorly defined faults in the Central Valley include the Midland, Sweitzer, Dunigan Hills, and Willows faults, along with what’s generally referred to as the San Joaquin fault zone, which is made up of numerous buried faults extending along the western margin of the Great Valley.

Because we cannot yet clearly define the locations of most faults buried beneath the valley floor, it is impossible to calculate what ground motions are likely to be produced if they were to rupture. However, we do know that the shaking can be significantly damaging as indicated by the 1892 Vacaville-Winters earthquake and the 1983 Coalinga earthquake (M6.5).

Central Valley (Delta) Area
Epicenters and Faults

The underlying fact is that residents of the Central Valley ShakeOut Area are not immune to the damaging impacts of strong earthquakes and, therefore, should take preventative measures to prevent injuries to themselves and loved ones, as well as minimize damage to their homes, businesses, and communities. Of particular concern is how vulnerable the Delta levees are to earthquake shaking. A strong earthquake centered in or adjacent to the Delta region could cause widespread levee failure, which, in turn, would likely disrupt or terminate water supplies to agricultural and metropolitan areas throughout the central valley and southern California region; curtail local farming; and significantly impact the Delta eco-system.

Click: The Great California ShakeOut

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California has strict building codes that are designed to prevent structures from collapse, and events like the Nov. 13 ShakeOut teach individuals what to do in an emergency.

The Big One is coming, promises Allen, there's no question about it.

Click: The "Big One"

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The past couple of days, several earthquake research companies have released information claiming that a major earthquake is overdue in the Southern California area.

Click:  The "Big One" is Overdue 06/06

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A factual, well-researched book of earthquake & tsunami disasters in California, with an in-depth analysis of fault behaviors & explanation of where & when the next great earthquake will be. By George Pararas-Carayannis, Ph.D.

Millions of California residents live near one of the most seismic regions in the world, the San Andreas fault. In 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake was devastating. In 1994 the Northridge earthquake was terribly disastrous. However, neither of these earthquakes will compare to the next catastrophic earthquake due to strike California in a matter of a few years, OR SOONER.

Click:  The BIG One – Next Great CA Earthquake

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Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map

A probabilistic seismic hazard map is a map that shows the hazard from earthquakes that geologists and seismologists agree could occur in California. It is probabilistic in the sense that the analysis takes into consideration the uncertainties in the size and location of earthquakes and the resulting ground motions that can affect a particular site.
The maps are typically expressed in terms of probability of exceeding a certain ground motion. For example, the 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years maps depict an annual probability of 1 in 475 of being exceeded each year. This level of ground shaking has been used for designing buildings in high seismic areas. The maps for 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years show ground motions that we do not think will be exceeded in the next 50 years. In fact, there is a 90% chance that these ground motions will NOT be exceeded. This probability level allows engineers to design buildings for larger ground motions than what we think will occur during a 50-year interval, which will make buildings safer than if they were only designed for the ground motions that we expect to occur in the next 50 years.

Click:  Probablistic Seismic Hazards Assessment

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The California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) records the strong shaking of the ground and in structures during earthquakes throughout California. The measured ground strong shaking is used immediately after an event to assist in emergency response by agencies like OES. Structural measurements are studied after events to analyze the performance of structures, with the goal of mitigating future earthquake impacts through improved building codes for safer, more earthquake resistant structures.

Click: Earthquakes

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All this talk of building codes, earthquake protections laws, etc. is serving to give us a false sense of security. Behind the smokescreen there were no permits, inspections or safety precautions used for the unauthorized reconstruction on top of the secretly-replaced water system. Virtually no enforcement of building standards / regulations.

Look at the left side of this page for a better understanding of how this has been carried out, parcel-by-parcel over the past few decades. Chances for survival appear to have been greatly diminished. Click: Marla

Can you imagine what is going to happen when an earthquake reaches these areas? Where entire cities have been rebuilt on top of clamped sewer and water lines as shown below?

Whereas other cities are showing great concern and preparing residents for such occurences, the City of Fresno (where the core of this operation is located) refuses to address the situation - including their own unaltered records, which verify exactly what is taking place!



Earthquake drills have been taking place in CA. See my blog with various articles supporting predictions for CA's "Big One." This is also where you will learn the shocking truth about compliance issues and Earthquake standards in the central valley, specifically, the secrets that various (Fresno) city officials do not want the public to know about.

In the meantime, the article below compares the similarities between Haiti's Enriqwuillo-Plaintain Garden fault and CA's San Andreas fault.

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(CNN) -- Scientists have warned for years that the island of Hispaniola, which Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic, was at risk for a major earthquake.
Five scientists presented a paper during the 18th Caribbean Geological Conference in March 2008 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, stating that a fault zone on the south side of the island posed "a major seismic hazard."

Tuesday's potentially disastrous 7.0 earthquake occurred in Haiti along the same fault line, known as the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone.


The Enriquillo-Plaintain Garden fault is similar in structure and character to the San Andreas fault of California in that both are strike-slip in nature, meaning the plates move past each other in a horizontal direction, Mann said.

Click:  Experts warned of Haiti earthquake risk 1/14/10


Thursday's drill was based on a scenario of a magnitude-7.8 earthquake occurring along the southern San Andreas Fault, beginning at the Salton Sea and spreading north nearly 200 miles.

"It's not a matter of if an earthquake of this size will happen, but when," the Great Southern California ShakeOut's Web site says.

Officials hope the earthquake drill will prepare residents for the big quake, whenever it may hit. "From a geologist's point of view, the answer has to be soon," Kate Hutton, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology, said in July, referring to a large temblor.

Click:  Largest earthquake drill in history 'rattles' California 11/13/08

Under the central part of the San Andreas fault, the deep seismic whisperings known as tremors have increased after two recent large earthquakes, and a surge in tremors appears to have foreshadowed one of them, according to a study to be published today in the journal Science.

"It reaffirms the need to be ready," said Robert Nadeau, a research seismologist at UC Berkeley who led the study. "The San Andreas fault is changing down deep and it's changing down deep in places where large earthquakes have happened in the past."

Tremor patterns under San Andreas fault offer insights into earthquakes 7/10/09

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HELP! Copy to CA Dept. of Toxic Substances (Fresno)

The City of Fresno's "infrastructure upgrade" is leaving a trail of illness, infections, deaths. Because along side the "infrastructure upgrade" is another operation taking place. It entails deliberate and intentional discharging of raw sewage, followed by unknown chemicals / pesticides for the eradication of sewer roaches, sewer rats and mosquito infestations, as the replacement of the water system continues BEYOND what has been authorized. As the sewage is discharged on private property, the City risk analyst shows up after these events, lying about the cause. Demanding a signature for "release for clean-up." Public records are then altered to cover up the evidence of what is taking place. The release, in addition to the altered records, are then used to deny knowledge or responsibility for the aftermath - including the major damages/alterations to private and city property.

The risk analysts went as far as to commit perjury to cover all of this up. Despite their own unaltered records, photographs and witnesses, they have gone as far as to deny city street widening, relocation of storm drains, street lights, fire hydrants, and utility poles. Because there is no record for it taking place! What they are involved in is not authorized or being carried out legitimately - hence, the illegally altered records. The ringleader, a former employee of the City of Fresno, boasts of overriding the Planning Dept. and altering records to cover up the evidence. He is laughing at our City officials, saying they are too incompetent to ever figure it out. With the City's office personnel looking at altered records, there is no help.

In addition to my ongoing illness and infections, my handicapped uncle died as this took place on our property. I was called a "liar" about what took place, and prohibited from filing a report, seeking justice or restitution. Neighbors on 3 sides of me also left dead as this took place.

This operation is threatening both public health and the environment as a whole. Complete failure to protect public health or maintain compliance issues and/or appropriate safety factors.

Please advise.




Click on links below regarding how pesticides are linked to various illnesses and diseases. What are the unknown chemicals / pesticides being used in Fresno?

Pesticides linked to diabetes (inc. pregnant women!)

Parkinson's, Alzheimer's | neurological disorders | PESTICIDES!

Another household as this took place (Polycythemia + Non Hodgkin's lymphoma)

Endocrine system / pesticides (Attn: Fresno / central valley, CA)

Attn: Diabetics. RAW SEWAGE Hepatitis, staph, foot amputation

BACTERIA: Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Methemoglobinemia aka: "blue baby syndrome' (Fresno, CA)

Asthma and Raw Sewage

Asthma and Heart Disease


Tap Water in Fresno
