From street widening to altering property lines; from relocating utility poles to creating ADA violations, how has Wilbert G. Swieso managed to override the Planning Dept. and have the entire city rebuilt on top of a secretly-replaced water system without the public's knowledge? He is a former employee of the City of Fresno ~ he knows how the "system" works.
1. Recruit the City's risk analysts and Public Works Dept. No one questions or oversees what they do.
2. "Plant" tenants / neighbors who will serve as "credible witnesses" that nothing took place. Eliminate others.
3. Use corrupt attorney(s) for fraudulent legal documents.
4. Use title companies to record fraud as well as illegal altering of parcel maps to line up to new property lines.
5. Alter aerial views to make it appear that recent alterations took place decades ago i.e., streets widened so much, blocks now smaller. Removal of various structures, expansion of others, etc.
Mr. Swieso says the public is not only oblivious to what is taking place right under their noses, they believe whatever they are told. Therefore, all he has to do is cover up the evidence and it goes no further.
Because there is no record for what is taking place, this allows for the majority of reconstruction to be done without permits or inspections. Virtually no enforcement of building regulations.
See for yourself! Although the City removed their earlier aerial views and now only show the current one, other web sites still show earlier/older views. You will see that older aerial views reflect recent street widening and new property lines! As though things were always this way. With no such record of such changes taking place, Mr. Swieso is right, no one questions anything.

For families undergoing health problems and/or ongoing home repairs, mold, sick-building syndrome, do yourselves a favor. Simply dig 8"-12" and take a look at your clamped sewer and water lines. Notice they go beneath the entire structure, which required major reconstruction. Now go to City Hall and see if you can find the permits or inspections. 2600 Fresno St., 3rd floor. Nothing on record? This is when my page will begin to make more sense to you. Click: Marla
This is also when you will begin to understand why there is no help. There is no record for what has taken place. With the City of Fresno's office personnel looking at ALTERED RECORDS, that is what they stand behind. Exactly as they are programmed to do, which is why Mr. Swieso refers to them as his "puppets."
Same with PG&E. There are many more utility poles throughout the city in addition to the original ones being replaced, relocated and reconnected. You can see the shoddy workmanship and code violations everywhere. Yet once again, PG&E's office personnel are looking at altered records, which is why they insist that their poles have always been as they are today.
Fresno Flood Control insists that storm drains and rain gutters have not been altered or relocated in decades. Yet the streets were widened; ADA violations have continued to escalate as a result of this, so how can they deny these alterations? More altered records! There is no record of the streets being widened, remember? So there CANNOT be any record for the altered / relocated storm drains, rain gutters, etc.
Keep in mind that prior to the unauthorized alterations there was strict enforcement of compliance issues and guidelines; these citywide code violations did not exist. Therefore, if there is no record of the alterations taking place, who is going to help with code violations associated to alterations there are no records for? No one. That includes the accompanying crimes in order to "clear the path" so it can continue ~ there are no repercussions. Example: After the suspected homicides of my family and neighbors to pull this off on our properties, the risk analysts went as far as to commit perjury, followed by death threats and sexual harassment against me. They would not even allow the truth behind the unsolved murder across the street (100' to the west.)
Notice how Mr. Swieso has the City of Fresno covering up and protecting him every step of the way. Here is where Mr. Swieso proves that he is light-years ahead of the City of Fresno. He recruits them just enough ...... then behind their backs, he takes things further. That is why he is laughing at them. This is just one example of his technique: Swieso's Adopt-A-Highway
Another example is how he swings his bible ~ wanting everyone to know that he does "volunteer work" at his church, United Grace Methodist Church. More of his infamous "repairs." In reality, not only has he rebuilt that church section at a time on top of his secretly replaced water system, he is using it as another headquarters to store his tools, scaffolding, equipment while turning the neighborhood properties over. Residents in the area are very familiar with this man ~ seen altering various homes, running people off their property, using illegally altered parcel maps as "proof" that the neighboring property is overlapping which will result in the owner being sued if they do not rectify the problem at THEIR expense. More altered / reconnected utility poles. Followed by more altered records; more altered aerial views to make it appear that nothing changed.
Why is this not being looked into? THERE IS NO RECORD OF IT TAKING PLACE.
If there is no record for any of this, who is paying for it? It appears to be funded from the forged and fraudulent insurance papers, legal documents and real estate fraud that follow Mr. Swieso etal. With his ultimate goal of having the water secretly diverted to the area where he planned to build his "dream home", his motto: "You can't live for the dead." Principal Insurance is aware of his actions; they conspired with him in what was done to my family and neighbors in order to pull this off on our properties. Same attorney who conspired in fraudulent legal documents was referred to other clients; same with various home health personnel. A cycle that follows the very people we are led to believe we can trust and believe in.

Like everyone else, the City of Fresno believes whatever they are told. Going to them for help only results in more hell (and laughter by Swieso and his mob.)
With Christmas on the way, keep in mind that Whistleblower agencies pay BIG rewards for reports of municipal corruption. This will be the Story of the Century ~ according to Mr. Swieso, it ties into the central valley's created "water shortage."
Rewards are also paid for reports of water violations / terrorism: Click: Can be fined $25,000 per day/per violation
Residents blaming Smart Meters for unexplained increases in their utilities should look at this Click: Pacific Gas and Electric is not behind this
For help with discrimination against the disabled CLICK HERE: ADA Enforcement