Over the past several years, I have repeatedly described and provided evidence behind 60 yrs of rebuilding on top of the replaced underground infrastructures. Per several of the ringleaders – water diversion project. Using barbaric methods in altering the underground water infrastructures, paying off fake work crews, creating massive building / safety / health code violations. Followed by altered records, aerial views, re-printed old books / directories to make it appear things were always as they are now.
The altering of properties began in the 60s. We were only 1 of countless others targeted, including methods used in order to keep us oblivious as the initial alterations were underway. (Prominent City official was victimizing our mother at the same time leaving our father hospitalized due to alleged poisoning – they wanted us off the properties that long ago.)
CLICK ===> The Walnut Tree
I then exposed a criminal networking involving paid off / “planted” neighbors to surround, assist and lie / deny about all the above. I exposed local attorneys, insurance agents / companies, estate planners, Home Health personnel, contractors, realtors, alarm companies, property manager, title companies involved in massive fraud / corruption. From lootings, forged and fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent insurance claims, alleged disappearances, reports of poisonings (including Alzheimer’s victims), talk of a baby-selling operation, illegal takeovers, fake loan papers, title company fraud and more. All the while, I was called “crazy” and “liar” as all reports and evidence were prohibited from being documented.
I exposed citywide major reconstruction without permits / inspections. Methods and evidence behind ensuing mold – as well as accompanying deadly illnesses, lawsuits, fraudulent insurance claims. “Planted” tenants; “planted” buyers who rotate / intertwine.
I exposed the massive ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) violations created during street widening / narrowing of sidewalks as street lights, poles are re-situated leaving little or no room for wheelchairs. A procedure that entailed cutting fronts of property - compensated by extending the backs – entailing narrowing of countless alleys. Alleys so narrow, the garbage dumpsters and trucks could no longer fit. Recycle bins were introduced – set out and picked up curbside.
One of my earlier posts with photos re: citywide ADA violations accompanying the water scam. Wheelchairs being forced into the street – how many victims left dead? Officials use altered records to deny knowledge and/or responsibility.
CLICK ===> Fresno ADA Violations
Of course reports were not allowed – because records / aerial views have been altered to match the new layouts as if nothing changed. Olive Ave. is only one example:

Around the corner:

This is the sidewalk down my street.

My walk way, after property line cut back / moved over 8’

Once again, Police reports (vandalism to private property let alone what was being done to me as this continued) were refused so nothing would be on record.

Alley behind my home went from 20’ to 13’.

Throughout the years of this, the utility poles in the alley were being relocated. This one, behind my home, was moved 3 x prior to the picture below.

Some of my friends may recognize this picture from MySpace. Dated 2006. Notice the utility pole. What happened to the short pole that was there? You can see in the picture above this, the pole was replaced with the taller one YEARS LATER. This is more evidence of my computer networked with photos / evidence continually altered to make it appear things were always as they are now. (Feel free to copy this to your hard drive, so you can compare it again should it be altered back to the original photo.)

Below - more altered photos of this area - initially taken in 2006, look how they have been altered to the current layout as though nothing ever took place. Continually done on my hard drive, blogs and Notes as the alterations continue. In this case, the Laundromat underwent more major alterations during the last round of replacing the underground lines to cover up evidence behind all the murders here and surrounding area. Altering evidence to make it appear all of this is original? If anyone looked into this, they would find that the cover-up has magnified everything I have been saying all along. Same method behind decades of fires / deaths / murders and more. (Not to mention the fraud and activities taking place at this Laundromat during the early 80s, tying into what was being done to my parents who owned the properties across the alley. Horrific.)

Upon inquiring why so many storm drains were removed in the area (verified by several residents), instead of an explanation, I was provided with an updated photo / layout, as though nothing changed.
CLICK COPY ===> Storm Drains
I exposed methods behind utility theft i.e.: Main water shut-off valves removed with water-lines cross-connected into neighbors’ properties. Methods of tying into neighbors’ hot water tanks (electric / gas.) Cross-connected electric lines behind exorbitant bills. Cross connected gas lines for fires / arson. Telephone lines cross-connected into neighbors.
As for decades of fires, deadly shootings, illegal takeovers, and turnover of so many properties to the very people among this nightmare, many of them in the downtown / Tower District area have been (or now being) taken by imminent domain for the high-speed rail project. At a low cost no less. (And end of Proposition 13 recipients.) And yet there are no complaints. Can you figure that out? (Hint: Look in recorded documents. Of course you will have to know the players to recognize the pattern.)
Look at the diagram below – surely you can imagine how easy all of the above has been, let alone the intertwining (“rotation system”) of participants.

It was not until I provided evidence and methods of accompanying deaths / murders that the City of Fresno reacted in such anger – yelling at me, calling me a “liar”, telling me I “imagined” what they did to my family, our properties and me as this took place let alone citywide.
It was not intended I would still be alive. Many attempts on my life had already been made. Upon providing the initial evidence behind the risk analyst’s (Rose Miranda) lies, I assume she thought I was already dead - after all, she was leaving a trail of dead victims as this went on. She agreed that all of this had taken place but, she explained, there was no record of it nor was the City of Fresno responsible because, “The previous owner had it done.” I went berserk - my family had been destroyed, Rolf left dead, I had been robbed, raped, catheterized as the properties underwent major reconstruction and left a shambles, 2 of the 3 properties taken by fraud, a mortgage on my home (as a result of trying to keep up with Rolf’s escalating medical care and damages to his properties I had no idea the City and their accomplices were behind) at the same time stripped of a means of survival. I demanded an explanation!
None of this was allowed to be documented, least of all evidence behind so many fires, deaths / murders. Using our Justice System for perjury, she recruited Senior risk analyst Kerry Trost to have a Restraining Order against me - once again calling me a “liar” (even denying their own street widening, relocation of street lights, storm drains, etc. that tied into all of this), calling ME a “danger to THEIR lives” and deemed guilty of “harassment” - as evidence was being altered, followed by Mayor Alan Autry having me threatened if I continued reporting or pleading for help!

Upon providing unaltered water layouts, unaltered photographs, and unaltered aerial views, I was yelled at again by risk analyst Kevin Watkins: “This proves nothing!” It proved everything. Including the perjury by the City of Fresno’s risk analysts Rose Miranda and Kerry Trost - backed up by Mayor Alan Autry.
Look again at the above diagram (2 pics above.) Regardless of the planted participants or the vultures behind so much fraud, lootings and illegal takeovers – these 3 question are for the property owners who were paid off to comply in the revisions- especially those who ended up with dead family member/s:
- How could the above alterations have been carried out without replacement of the underground sewer, water, gas lines.
- Why would the City of Fresno lie about this let alone have it done behind the backs of those who agreed to participate.
- Why would something so dangerous be done without permits / inspections – let alone followed by altered records to cover up the evidence.
Hint: Sewer lines. Using outsiders / fake work crews to replace / relocate them without permits / inspections, tying into into the City’s replaced lines – timed to precision so their victims do not see the discharging of filthy, deadly, disease-carrying sewage, let alone the trail of deadly illnesses, respiratory, infections, amputations, staph, deaths. Not to mention so many pawns and participants also left dead after serving their purposes for those at the core.
Having the alterations carried out is one thing – keep in mind it is not over until the property has been vacated so the title company can alter the final evidence i.e., legal documents and plat maps. There is where the BIG payoffs are. Per the ringleader with 60 yrs invested into this – forging and altering dead victims’ insurance papers and legal documents while boasting, “No one will ever figure it out.”
Turns out, countless people already know about the water scam. But not the accompanying illnesses, murders, lootings, illegal takeovers.
Below – what took place on this end of the block as the City risk analyst was lying and setting up victims for elimination, properties being altered then seized. More deaths across the street as this took place. Trails of this.

Guess who is prohibiting reports / evidence? The very agencies / officials we are encouraged to trust and believe in.
CLICK ===> City of Fresno Spreading Disease and Death
Clearly, threats and altered records were / are not enough to cover up 60 yrs of this. Here are some examples of homes in the so-called “historic” Tower District. (Old blog, has been hacked into with much of the info / photos removed. Needs to be revised / updated but you will get the idea.)
Do you recall me stating that what took place here is at the core of hell, tying into trails of all the above and much more? Do you recall my repeated postings of a multi-million dollar cover up due to exposing evidence behind so many horrors (code violations, deadly illnesses, murders, etc.)? Do you recall me stating 3 rounds of tearing these properties apart in order to rectify the underground evidence of what took place here, each time leaving them a worse shambles than before?
In order to cover up 60 yrs of this, wouldn’t all the underground lines on this entire block (and far beyond) need to be completely replaced as well, since they are all connected, followed by MORE *updated* records to make it appear nothing ever took place or changed? Exactly as it began 60 yrs ago – 1 at a time, structure-by-structure.
More and more trees removed / roots cleared out of the way on various properties as this continues. Below is the most recent tree removed on this block (last week.)

Don’t forget where all the underground lines tie in = City property i.e., streets and alleyways. All of that must be replaced as well to cover up evidence behind 60 yrs of this. Lines down the entire alley were replaced AGAIN – yet no record for any of it. Including the tie-ins into the street!
CLICK ===> Pics and info
(Still looking for my pics of the chalk markings in the streets, which City employees were using to update their records AGAIN after another round of revisions to above / underground evidence.)
This is why all old records of Fresno have been discarded and replaced with the revised records. Revised aerial views. Historic photos discarded, scanned/altered or cropped so the surrounding areas are not shown. Online archives blacked out. Old books / directories reprinted with revised photos.
This not only explains why all reports and evidence were always prohibited – even resulting in more horrors and threats, it also explains the lootings of storage facilities. In the case of my family, generations of photos were stolen. Friends were recruited to comply with their photos. But they still needed to discard the photos in storage. Because unbeknownst to all these folks, far beyond their own participation or what they were programmed to do / believe - the photos verified evidence behind murders not to mention the lootings and time frames of all this and more. And of course altering more photos at the storage facility to match the most recent revisions to private and City properties as though none of this ever took place, would further protect those at the core from ever being found out.
The dead do not expose the atrocities accompanying the water scam. Nor the participants who are unknowingly recruited to participate without knowledge or warnings of the accompanying danger let alone the cause behind the accompanying illnesses, deaths (family, neighbors, etc.) while continuing to thank these people for all the “help”, reconstruction and in many cases, rewards for their participation (vehicles, money, etc.) Never realizing that help was not needed until these people stepped into the picture.
Destruction of so many families in addition to a trail of deaths accompanying the annihilations / takeovers behind CA central valley’s 60-yr water scam, there is a steady stream of vultures circling in preparation for seizing the assets. New participants are recruited and intertwine with those who do this for “a living.” Not wanting to be found out as they unknowingly cover tracks of the previous layer, the newcomers lie and alter evidence which in turn, protects the ringleaders who have been doing this for decades. The more participants who end up dead after serving their purposes, the deeper the truth continues being buried as this continues. Click on links below, a small sample of how this is carried out:
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