Friday, September 4, 2015

City of Fresno behind ONGOING LIES AND COVER-UP! Olive Ave., Tower District

Back in 1938, widening Olive Ave. (Tower District) a mere 2’ was front-page news! 

Olive Ave. remained a tight, narrow, 2-lane street.  Traffic was slow through Fresno’s “historic” Tower District but the thought of widening the street again was absurd.  The streets were lined with store-front properties – the destruction it would cause was unthinkable, the public (let alone property owners) would never agree. 

So how it is possible that Olive Ave. now has a middle lane? 


 Actually, countless people saw it being widened 1 block at a time over the past several decades.  But it was done so slowly, it did not call attention to what was taking place – the fires, reconstruction, the annihilations / takeovers.  Below – do you remember all these fires?  Keep in mind this does not include all the fires down the residential streets as parcels were being rebuilt on top of the revised underground infrastructures.

As the fires and reconstruction continued, property lines were being shifted in a “ripple affect.”  Below – this is not to scale, just an idea of what one block looked like “Before and After.”  Including Olive Ave. widened; side streets widened; relocation of utility poles, storm drains, etc. 


It had been going on for decades when, in 1991, the City of Fresno wanted to RE-ASSURE the public that Olive Ave. would never be widened. 

And here, in 2006, you see Mayor Alan Autry backing up perjury to deny the annihilation of several property owners (including my family and me) in order to tear the properties apart  and rebuild with trash on top of cross-connected gas lines for another Olive Ave. fire, followed by illegal takeovers – then have me threatened if I ever contacted or pled for help again.


Upon exposing trails of dead victims, pawns and participants, including evidence behind so many fires, murders and deaths that followed victims being deliberately exposed to deadly sewage (timed and deliberate) - fraudulent and forged legal documents / insurance papers of dead victims – corrupt insurance agents, attorneys and title companies behind illegal takeovers – multi-million dollar cover-up of evidence behind the fires and murders ensued. 

The City of Fresno then had more records altered, “historic” aerial views altered, photos discarded or scanned/altered to the current layout as “proof” that Olive Ave. was never widened.










1 comment:

Marla said...

Although this is taking place FAR beyond Fresno's "Historic" Tower District - stay tuned, this area (and beyond) is also being taken over for the high-speed rail project. Killings, properties turned over to participants, then the City can step in with more imminent domain takeovers at little cost, without any protest. That would also explain why exposing the atrocities was treated as the biggest crime of all!