OLIVE AVE. IS NO LONGER A TIGHT, 2-LANE STREET. Widened 1 block at a time over the course of several decades. Records / historic aerial views altered to match / show the new property lines as well as making it appear Olive Ave. was always this wide.

Fresno's Historic Tower District property owners (nor most residents) would not have allowed the area to be torn apart in order to widen Olive Ave. Quaint area, one-of-a-kind amenities, structures built to last forever. Olive Ave. was a tight, one-way street. It would be virtually impossible to widen the street without major reconstruction of all the street-lined properties.
Below is the article, FRONT PAGE NEWS, when Olive Ave. was widened 2' in 1938.
CLICK ===> 1938 Olive Ave. Widened!
The water scam began later - early 60s - every structure on every block to be rebuilt on top of the secretly-replaced underground utilities. Fulton Mall was one of the first major areas completely torn up under the guise of "remodeling."
1968 Documentary of Fresno's Fulton Mall (U-Tube)
Tower District was right behind. As the area was being secretly taken over, properties rebuilt, the street was being widened 1 block at a time.
CLICK ===> Olive Ave. - Clearing the Path; 20+ Fires within 1-1/2 Mi. Radius
Tree pulling, street widening, relocation of storm drains, street lights, utility poles, as entire city(s) rebuilt on top of the new water system. Parcel by parcel, block-by-clock, areas "planted" with participants - after each parcel completed, title companies altering the deeds and plot maps to match the new layouts.

What you see in the above diagram has been going on for 60+ yrs. Commercial and residential areas. City and public properties. Replacing / relocating / re-directing the underground utilities. Per Wilbert G. Swieso, self-proclaimed co-creator with 60+/- yrs into this, it is the Bonadelle / City of Fresno's "secret water operation."
Since the City is not allowed to alter private properties, participants are "planted" to participate. The City has records and aerial views altered to match the new layouts - participants are used as "witnesses" that nothing happened. The more properties turned over, the more reward$. The City does not care how the properties are cleared - all reports of accompanying crimes i.e., poisoning, burglary, utility theft (overhead / underground), real estate theft, killing, talk of baby-selling are prohibited.
This Note focuses on Olive Ave., since what you read above is behind the deaths/murders of my family and neighbors as well as attempted murder of me - the City of Fresno's participation and ensuing perjury, Restraining Order against me, sexual harassment and threatening me if I ever contacted or pled for help again.




The first attempt to have us eliminated from our properties was in the early 60s. Prominent City official targeted my parents - while victimizing my mother, my father ended up hospitalized due to alleged poisoning.
My grandmother was next on the menu - facts liked to some of my reports that were kicked aside.
Chemicals kept us oblivious (and worse) to what was taking place on our own properties - all in preparation for what was coming. Annihilation and illegal takeovers.
CLICK ===> Passing the Torch - Beginning in the 60s
My family was being eliminated 1 x 1. Once the first 3 were out of the way (facts not allowed). the City zeroed in on Rolf and me. Deluging our properties in sewage while lying about the cause - claiming it was the result of "negligence in sewer maintenance" - when in fact our properties were being torn apart, rebuilt, on top of more secretly replaced underground utilities; relocated and cross-connected for an upcoming fire. We were located in the middle of all the other fires - targeted as far back as the 60s.
A portion of damages the City of Fresno paid for. Sewage continued being discharged, far more than the 3 events on record.


As if the City of Fresno does not know the dangers of sewage? Not only discharging it while lying about the cause - watching the ensuing infections, amputations, and deaths - even refusing to test the soil as this continued. Same method / technique I saw while employed by Wilbert Swieso who was then seen forging and altering the dead victims' papers while smirking, "You can't live for the dead" - exactly as he did with Rolf. "No one will ever figure it out" he often boasted. Including me, until it was too late.
CLICK ===> Murder by Sewage
CLICK ===> City of Fresno annihilated Down syndrome man; properties taken by fraud
After the first risk analyst (Rose Miranda) was caught lying about the sewage and reconstruction, Senior risk analyst Kerry Trost stepped into the picture - I showed him the property line had been moved 8' when Olive Ave. was widened; the sewer vent went from 2' to 10' from the fence - along with the water meter in the alley. Sewer manholes were moved. He yelled at me, "That is YOUR problem, it is YOUR property!" I explained I do not
own the alley nor maintain the city water system, let alone IN THE ALLEY! The evidence verified exactly what took place - so he slammed the phone on me.


Kerry Trost not only accompanied the first risk analyst to call ME a "liar" about what took place, he smirked, "You will never prove it." It was when I presented a copy of the unaltered sewer layout, the death threats ensued.

CITY OF FRESNO NOT ONLY CONTINUES TO DENY OLIVE AVE. WAS WIDENED - A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COVER UP ENSUED TO RECTIFY THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE ENTIRE AREA - ALL RECORDS UPDATED TO MAKE IT APPEAR THAT NOTHING EVER TOOK PLACE. Throughout the years, books / directories / maps reprinted. Online archives blacked out. The City uses the altered records to continue the lies. As Wilbert Swieso laughs, "The public believes whatever they are told." The truth would expose nothing less than a free-for-all burglary, murder, property theft operation. The dead do not expose them.


How low will they stoop for "evidence" nothing took place:
Pic: Sidewalk and driveway in front of my home. After the trees removed, street widened, front lawns cut back - property extended into the alley (alley cut back several feet) - my initials in the original sidewalk - 1967 - were RE-ENGRAVED as "proof" that nothing changed!?! And this is the original sidewalk?!? Really?

The structures were being torn apart, property lines moved - can it be any more obvious what took place here?



CLICK ===> 9/9/2013 City of Fresno - Altering Records?!?(Told ya so!) Copy of Brians Post 6/17/2013
CLICK ===> 5/25/2013 Horrors Behind Plans for UpcomingHigh-Speed Rail (3 blks west, Tower Dist.)
CLICK ===> 2/3/2011 My Brief Meeting with Fresno Planning Dept. (Mike Sanchez)
CLICK ===> 02/2013 Three more witnesses!
CLICK ===> 01/2011 Per Mayor Autry: "It is an act of domestic terror!"
BONUS! Not only was the torch passed to Wilbert Swieso to zero in on my family back in 1982, his trail and links prior to that go back to when my father ended up hospitalized for alleged poisoining by one of Mr. Swieso's associates at the City of Fresno! (Mr. Swieso is linked to atrocities in the entire area.)
CLICK ===> Wilbert Swieso's Trail Comes Full Circle
Attorney General 11/06
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/QopR6MF.jpg
Gov. Schwarzenegger 12/06
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/KmBP2Ut.jpg
Grand Jury 12/06
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/SXfxnQd.jpg
EPA 05/07
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/FqICttO.jpg
FEMA 09/07
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/V4yRZEC.jpg
Gov. Schwarzenegger 01/08
Exact SAME form letter from 2006!!
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/YWXJWCx.jpg
City of Fresno, between being raped Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/f8ZUGsP.jpg
Winslow Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/KehTWUR.jpg
Sheriff Re: Winslow evidence ===> http://i.picoodle.com/66dj1vwl
Attorney Referral Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/32p0ngG.jpg
Jason / Secret Service ===> http://tinyurl.com/p2hn2n
Principal Ins re: Swieso fraud, susp homicides
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/eC2GS63.jpg
My Feet after the sewage (Rolf & neighbors left DEAD)
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/ae8p66A.jpg
Portion of my RX’s / poisoning & infections from ongoing sewage spills
Pic ===> http://i.imgur.com/laarcY6.jpg
Secret Service http://tinyurl.com/p2hn2n
Attorney Fraud http://tinyurl.com/bkmtexj
Winslow: Boston Finney Fraud http://tinyurl.com/bl7lhyr
Home Health Fraud http://tinyurl.com/6uo4see
DiBuduo & DeFendis Ins. http://tinyurl.com/mshuhwe
Real Estate Fraud http://tinyurl.com/p9tgzzf
Eberwein Auto Repair http://tinyurl.com/yjuamu8
Local Alarm Companies http://tinyurl.com/lfmtywx
Local Moving Van & Storage http://tinyurl.com/3hgeruw
Lanny http://tinyurl.com/qxfqzfk
Leila's Tax Service http://tinyurl.com/3ql4ah
Larry Gibson Painting / Remodel
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/ksg64bv
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/bjgx9hj
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/bvm9oee
“Unsolved” murder 2 doors west http://tinyurl.com/3shkncr
Perez disappearance 1 door east http://tinyurl.com/86r9mff
~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~
The years of chemicals not only kept my family and I oblivious to the area being burned down, torn apart and rebuilt (done very slowly so it did not call attention) – we had no idea we were on the path and would end up as so many others did. In addition to Rolf’s murder, it was my behavior while poisoned that was used to sever ties and justify having me robbed, raped, catheterized while incapacitated during reconstruction on top of cross-connected underground utilities with plans of massive fire- then called a “liar” that anything took place, and thrown out like garbage in order for this
group to take control of our properties. Fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent life ins policy on me, told I would meet the others “in another world.” No one would ever know the truth. Or how the evidence ties into what was done to my earlier family members as well.
Needless to say, my escape turned out to be the crime – City of Fresno / Mayor Alan Autry had my insurance claims denied, further retaliating against me with perjury, Restraining Order, sexual harassment and threatening me if I ever contacted or pled for help again.
Needless to say, my escape turned out to be the crime – City of Fresno / Mayor Alan Autry had my insurance claims denied, further retaliating against me with perjury, Restraining Order, sexual harassment and threatening me if I ever contacted or pled for help again. Because I uncovered the evidence dating back to the 60s, including what was done to my family and properties THAT FAR BACK!
CLICK ===> Walnut Tree (1960s)
One of the longest-staying next door neighbors "planted" and rewarded to participate - ongoing horrors as family being eliminated; properties torn apart. Utility theft, burglary, more. Once this group served their purposes, City targeted the husband for elimination. Widow continues to deny all knowledge - because the truth would backfire and expose the truth about what they did to my family while being poisoned! .
CLICK ===> Neighbors From Hell
Meet some more of the cast (next link below) – some dating back to childhood as described in the above link. With the foundation laid, setting me up over the years as the torch continued being passed, even framing me for killing my own family. In addition to my behavior while poisoned, this is how they recruited my siblings to help them wipe us ALL OUT! Should it come as a surprise to learn that these SAME people deny anything took place on these properties? With Mayor Alan Autry hammering the final nail in my coffin so the truth about HIS participation would not be exposed. My life has been destroyed on every level - I am far too outnumbered to survive this - leaving the truth behind.
Behind all the chaos, lies, and deaths of victims AND participants, the truth is behind the smokescreen. And trails of THESE VERY PEOPLE!.
CLICK ===> Accusing me of murdering my own family!
CLICK ===> Real Estate Fraud
CLICK ===> Utility Theft
My other uncle died. Making sure the truth about what took place was never exposed, Mayor Alan Autry hammered the final nail in my coffin. Not only stripped of a means of survival, severed from everyone in my life, 24/7 terror - no way to survive this hell.
CLICK ===> Uncle Bill



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