What you read in the link below is only one horror story behind Fresno’s
portion of the 60+ year water scam. Annihilation / takeovers. Altered records,
aerial views, maps, directories to cover up what is taking place. All reports
of the accompanying horrors are prohibited – evidence is destroyed. Witnesses
are called “liars” – in my case, death threats for surviving and exposing former
Mayor Alan Autry.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
Dear Alan Autry, Is everyone a "LIAR" re: widening Olive Ave?
How many times have I mentioned the widening of Olive Ave. – which the City of Fresno denies. Why have so many of my earlier postings (inc photos and “historic” information / evidence) on other web sites been removed? Including the article written in 1938 – Fresno Bee, front page – Olive had been widened. Too much information? Facts and descriptions that PROVE what has taken place? Including how Rolf was eliminated to pull this off. As well as the accomplices whose trails (and evidence) of this are ALSO being covered up!
Further verification of what I have been exposing. Other blogs have been altered – so much information removed. Hundreds of dollars spent on recorded documents wiped off my hard drive. Countless photos (evidence) removed from my hard drive as well. Once again – stripping me of a means to prove what took place here, the accompanying fraud from this mob, or even defend myself – as the City of Fresno and their participants continue claiming that Olive Ave. was not widened, our properties were not torn apart and rebuilt with trash, the property lines were not changed. Psssst .... the evidence is still here for anyone who is capable of seeing beyond the smokescreen – beyond the lies and altered records.
Not sure this will open from here – if not, will try to update:
CLICK ===> http://tinyurl.com/c2sgcoy>1938 Widening of Olive Ave. (Pic)
Although the operation I have been describing (victims annihilated; illegal takeover of properties; entire city rebuilt on top of secretly-replaced, relocated water system) goes far beyond Olive Ave. (and far beyond Fresno), I am focusing on Olive Ave., where I lived my entire life. The City of Fresno did not anticipate me still being alive – the ongoing effort to discredit and cover up what they did to us and our properties is incredible. Below: Current picture of Olive Ave.
According to Mayor Alan Autry and the risk analyst who set us up for elimination, none of this took place, including widening of Olive Ave. Further attempts to seek help resulted in a threatening letter if I contacted the City again regarding what they did to my family, our properties and me.
Click Pic ===> Entrapment, passed from one risk analyst to the next
Prior to this, Olive was a tight, narrow 2-lane street. No middle lane. Lots of long-time family-owned, store-front properties lined the street – such as ours. To widen Olive Ave. would have entailed cutting the fronts off these street-lined properties and major reconstruction, which of course the owners would have protested. The public would have also protested.
So it was done secretly – one block at a time, beginning several decades ago. One by one, family-owned businesses ended. Murders remain “unsolved” (because the surrounding facts are not allowed.) Deaths. Fires. Fraudulent legal documents. As structures were being “vacated”, what better way to avoid complaints or reports of the street widening or major reconstruction than to have following occupants “planted.” In fact to this day, they insist nothing changed – not even the widening of Olive Ave.
KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN READING THE END OF THIS NOTE ===> Of course as each block was widened, street lights, utility poles, storm drains, etc. were also relocated.
It was all done so slowly that it did not call attention. Outsiders did not realize what was taking place. By the time it was over, most of the old-timers had died. Records had been altered to match the new layouts. Aerial views altered. Books and directories were reprinted with updated photos. Maps and “vintage” photos altered. No one connected the dots.
For some reason, this blog was NOT removed:
CLICK ===> 20+ Fires Within 2-Mi. Radius / Olive Ave.
Another blog showing examples of the rebuilt structures. No record for any of this – only altered records and “historic” aerial views to make it appear that things were always this way.
Click ===> Tower District Property
So you see, it was our turn to be wiped out so this could continue down Olive Ave. as well as my home behind them. Surrounded by the participants as my family was being eliminated one by one. The tenants on Rolf’s 2 properties (Olive Ave.) were “planted” as the destruction and fraudulent lawsuits against ME ensued. I was poisoned, raped, repeatedly taken out of town (Swieso & Winslow), catheterized during long durations as reconstruction continued. Kept so sick – sometimes appearing out of my mind while being exploited as “crazy” – that way no one would believe anything I said. Nor would anyone come looking for me once I “vanished.” Told I was going to meet the others, “in another world.” Fraudulent legal documents. Fraudulent insurance policy on me.
With the risk analyst continuing to lie and the ongoing destruction of Rolf’s 2 properties on Olive, I mortgaged my home to continue paying the ongoing destruction as well as Rolf’s medical bills – never realizing what was taking place. Insurance fraud (Swieso / DiBuduo & DeFendis Ins.) – cancellation of property insurance on Rolf’s properties as the “planted” tenant was preparing to sue and own all. Realtor fraud – cheated in excess of $1 million. Attorney fraud. I was being ambushed from every direction – once Rolf died they came after my home, also robbed and torn apart, left a horrific shambles.
The City of Fresno risk analyst who set up Rolf and me for annihilation had to have known how far gone I was being kept as she told me I “imagined” all of this. Including the widening of Olive Ave. Because obviously, it was impossible to widen without tearing our properties apart!!! Since records had been altered to match the new layout – they could NOT have any of my reports documented, so they turned the tables and made ME the criminal.
Afer recruiting senior risk analyst, Kerry Trost, to participate in wiping me out a Restraining Order was issued against me – calling me a “liar” and “crazy.” Even accusing ME of being a “Danger to THEM!” Because I got away before they finished me off too? Or because they had been caught. Senior risk analyst smirked, “You will never prove it.” My photos had been stolen, others scanned/altered. All my old documents were missing. Surrounded by neighbors who were rewarded to participate, all of them claiming no knowledge.
Suddenly it began making sense. This was being the cross-connected underground utilities – water and gas lines. Utility theft. This explained the upcoming fire I was told about – including one of the “planted” tenants attempting to blow the corner building up, then threaten to sue ME. (Naturally, Mr. Swieso was on hand to “help” with repairs again.) Another attempt via my central heating/air unit that had been torn apart and rebuilt (rigged) in a manner that would blow things up. This explained why the structures were rebuilt with such trash – they were going to go down in flames like all the others mentioned in the above link! No one would know it was set up.
We were setting in the middle of fires and murder cover-ups, of course all my reports were disregarded!!! Of course Mayor Alan Autry prohibited reports and backed up perjury to deny that any of this took place – including the widening of Olive Ave!!!!
This also explained why the risk analyst sabotaged my homeowners property insurance so there would be no recourse for the massive theft and destruction – called a “liar” that any of this took place. Jeffry C. Winslow told me that there would be no claim until I had been eliminated – when HE (and Swieso) took the properties over. No one would know that all the valuable heirlooms and jewelry had been switched with trash – imagine the insurance claim, the one Mr. Winslow said would take place after my elimination – a fire, with insurance paying for construction of a restaurant being planned on these properties! Including the Laundromat next door, where the owner was never seen after being set up by the same risk analyst!!
Once I reported the clamped, cross-connected underground utilities, the hell ensued to the next round. The only way to cover up the evidence would be to rectify all the underground utilities, which meant all structures would have to be torn apart again. The lines down the alley – which is when the water meter behind my house was returned to it’s original location – however, the other tie-in to the garage was not put back. Walls cut back further as the lines were rectified. Sidewalks and surrounding cement replaced AGAIN. Storm drains. Gas lines. It was all being rectified, followed by more altered / updated records to match the current layouts.
Mayor Alan Autry successfully pinned me down so the horrors could continue. As long as I continued being monitored, sabotaged, prohibited from help, restitution or even filing a report, these people were free to continue the horrors – and cover up what was done to my family. Because if the truth had ever been allowed to be documented – it would be found that this is behind countless others who were victimized in the same manner – including the “unsolved” murders I was not allowed to provide information.
Updating Gas Line Records (Pic) ===> http://tinyurl.com/bpx69xc
To this day, anything I say is met with being told I am “crazy” or “liar” or I “imagined” all of this. Really? But others are not "liars" or "crazy?" I am the ONLY person being accused of imagining all of this?!?
CLICK ===> Three More Witnesses
There are countless witnesses to Olive Ave. being widened – not everyone is dead yet. They also saw it being done 1 block at a time. Including my family's properties properties – during Mayor Autry’s so-called “water infrastructure upgrade.” Therefore, the underground utilities would be as chopped up as it continued, with code violations as I have been stating all along. All of this is the evidence behind the risk analyst’s lies regarding the sewage spills / murder of Rolf. Death and amputations of neighbors also set up for annihilation. With a trail of this being done to others – naturally, this group wants the evidence altered in order to continue calling me a “liar.”
So all the lines have been rectified in the area – not only beneath these structures, down the alley, but also including down Olive Ave. More new cement, more altered storm drains, etc. With the City of Fresno STILL denying the street was widened. Did they alter all of this in a manner to make it appear that none of this took place - so they can continue denying all of this while pointing the finger to ME of being a “liar” and “crazy?” With so many witnesses to the truth, they have ultimately MAGNIFIED the operation, lies, and massive amount of effort and money invested into the cover-up. Wouldn’t it have been simpler to handle this discreetly – along with having me sign a gag order as it has been implied done with countless others?
Not accusing, just wondering about all the street lights down Olive Ave. Wouldn’t they have been removed / altered again? Is it a coincidence they all shut off? Blamed on copper wire theft. The City indicates they will not be repairing them for several more months – no doubt.
I am too far outnumbered to survive this much longer. Lost my family, my means of survival, everything I owned, even the deed to my house while being set up by the City of Fresno. A friend is temporarily funding me but the City of Fresno and their group still need me off this final property. Clearly, I am being set up for the next chapter.
CLICK ===> Ongoing Cover-Up Behind Rolf’s Murder
Craig, the “paralegal” who prepared a fraudulent Trust – demanding I sign, claiming to be my “best friend” while behind my back, telling people I killed my own family members and deserved what was done to me!
CLICK ===> Years of chemicals and setting up for annihilation
CLICK ===> Wilbert Swieso / DiBuduo & DeFendis
CLICK ===> Old blog re: Swieso – full circle
CLICK ===> Swieso / David A. Silva, atty FRAUD
CLICK ===> Jason at Fresno's Secret Service
Refused help, I posted online. Kept monitored, City of Fresno responded to my blog with sexual harassment. I took it to another risk analyst, Kevin Watkins, who insisted the City was innocent – he implied that I posted it to MYSELF! (City always blaming and pointing elsewhere.) The ISP verifies exactly where this came from.
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/46z9d3n .Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/4t3jy6e .Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/4mvoczt .
Principal Ins re: Swieso fraud, susp homicides ===> http://tinyurl.com/4syw9cm
“Unsolved” murder 2 doors west http://tinyurl.com/3shkncr
Perez disappearance 1 door east http://tinyurl.com/86r9mff
Sheriff Re: Winslow evidence ===> http://i.picoodle.com/66dj1vwl
City, between being raped http://tinyurl.com/46z9d3n
Attorney Fraud http://tinyurl.com/bkmtexj
Home Health Fraud http://tinyurl.com/6uo4see
Eberwein Auto Repair http://tinyurl.com/yjuamu8
Ongoing horrors, deaths, disappearances http://tinyurl.com/8yppw38
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/3f3hg97
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/4lmf9t8
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/7tfgy7r
How many times have I mentioned the widening of Olive Ave. – which the City of Fresno denies. Why have so many of my earlier postings (inc photos and “historic” information / evidence) on other web sites been removed? Including the article written in 1938 – Fresno Bee, front page – Olive had been widened. Too much information? Facts and descriptions that PROVE what has taken place? Including how Rolf was eliminated to pull this off. As well as the accomplices whose trails (and evidence) of this are ALSO being covered up!
Further verification of what I have been exposing. Other blogs have been altered – so much information removed. Hundreds of dollars spent on recorded documents wiped off my hard drive. Countless photos (evidence) removed from my hard drive as well. Once again – stripping me of a means to prove what took place here, the accompanying fraud from this mob, or even defend myself – as the City of Fresno and their participants continue claiming that Olive Ave. was not widened, our properties were not torn apart and rebuilt with trash, the property lines were not changed. Psssst .... the evidence is still here for anyone who is capable of seeing beyond the smokescreen – beyond the lies and altered records.
Not sure this will open from here – if not, will try to update:
CLICK ===> http://tinyurl.com/c2sgcoy>1938 Widening of Olive Ave. (Pic)
Although the operation I have been describing (victims annihilated; illegal takeover of properties; entire city rebuilt on top of secretly-replaced, relocated water system) goes far beyond Olive Ave. (and far beyond Fresno), I am focusing on Olive Ave., where I lived my entire life. The City of Fresno did not anticipate me still being alive – the ongoing effort to discredit and cover up what they did to us and our properties is incredible. Below: Current picture of Olive Ave.

According to Mayor Alan Autry and the risk analyst who set us up for elimination, none of this took place, including widening of Olive Ave. Further attempts to seek help resulted in a threatening letter if I contacted the City again regarding what they did to my family, our properties and me.

Click Pic ===> Entrapment, passed from one risk analyst to the next
Prior to this, Olive was a tight, narrow 2-lane street. No middle lane. Lots of long-time family-owned, store-front properties lined the street – such as ours. To widen Olive Ave. would have entailed cutting the fronts off these street-lined properties and major reconstruction, which of course the owners would have protested. The public would have also protested.
So it was done secretly – one block at a time, beginning several decades ago. One by one, family-owned businesses ended. Murders remain “unsolved” (because the surrounding facts are not allowed.) Deaths. Fires. Fraudulent legal documents. As structures were being “vacated”, what better way to avoid complaints or reports of the street widening or major reconstruction than to have following occupants “planted.” In fact to this day, they insist nothing changed – not even the widening of Olive Ave.
KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN READING THE END OF THIS NOTE ===> Of course as each block was widened, street lights, utility poles, storm drains, etc. were also relocated.
It was all done so slowly that it did not call attention. Outsiders did not realize what was taking place. By the time it was over, most of the old-timers had died. Records had been altered to match the new layouts. Aerial views altered. Books and directories were reprinted with updated photos. Maps and “vintage” photos altered. No one connected the dots.
For some reason, this blog was NOT removed:
CLICK ===> 20+ Fires Within 2-Mi. Radius / Olive Ave.
Another blog showing examples of the rebuilt structures. No record for any of this – only altered records and “historic” aerial views to make it appear that things were always this way.
Click ===> Tower District Property
So you see, it was our turn to be wiped out so this could continue down Olive Ave. as well as my home behind them. Surrounded by the participants as my family was being eliminated one by one. The tenants on Rolf’s 2 properties (Olive Ave.) were “planted” as the destruction and fraudulent lawsuits against ME ensued. I was poisoned, raped, repeatedly taken out of town (Swieso & Winslow), catheterized during long durations as reconstruction continued. Kept so sick – sometimes appearing out of my mind while being exploited as “crazy” – that way no one would believe anything I said. Nor would anyone come looking for me once I “vanished.” Told I was going to meet the others, “in another world.” Fraudulent legal documents. Fraudulent insurance policy on me.
With the risk analyst continuing to lie and the ongoing destruction of Rolf’s 2 properties on Olive, I mortgaged my home to continue paying the ongoing destruction as well as Rolf’s medical bills – never realizing what was taking place. Insurance fraud (Swieso / DiBuduo & DeFendis Ins.) – cancellation of property insurance on Rolf’s properties as the “planted” tenant was preparing to sue and own all. Realtor fraud – cheated in excess of $1 million. Attorney fraud. I was being ambushed from every direction – once Rolf died they came after my home, also robbed and torn apart, left a horrific shambles.
The City of Fresno risk analyst who set up Rolf and me for annihilation had to have known how far gone I was being kept as she told me I “imagined” all of this. Including the widening of Olive Ave. Because obviously, it was impossible to widen without tearing our properties apart!!! Since records had been altered to match the new layout – they could NOT have any of my reports documented, so they turned the tables and made ME the criminal.
Afer recruiting senior risk analyst, Kerry Trost, to participate in wiping me out a Restraining Order was issued against me – calling me a “liar” and “crazy.” Even accusing ME of being a “Danger to THEM!” Because I got away before they finished me off too? Or because they had been caught. Senior risk analyst smirked, “You will never prove it.” My photos had been stolen, others scanned/altered. All my old documents were missing. Surrounded by neighbors who were rewarded to participate, all of them claiming no knowledge.
Suddenly it began making sense. This was being the cross-connected underground utilities – water and gas lines. Utility theft. This explained the upcoming fire I was told about – including one of the “planted” tenants attempting to blow the corner building up, then threaten to sue ME. (Naturally, Mr. Swieso was on hand to “help” with repairs again.) Another attempt via my central heating/air unit that had been torn apart and rebuilt (rigged) in a manner that would blow things up. This explained why the structures were rebuilt with such trash – they were going to go down in flames like all the others mentioned in the above link! No one would know it was set up.
We were setting in the middle of fires and murder cover-ups, of course all my reports were disregarded!!! Of course Mayor Alan Autry prohibited reports and backed up perjury to deny that any of this took place – including the widening of Olive Ave!!!!
This also explained why the risk analyst sabotaged my homeowners property insurance so there would be no recourse for the massive theft and destruction – called a “liar” that any of this took place. Jeffry C. Winslow told me that there would be no claim until I had been eliminated – when HE (and Swieso) took the properties over. No one would know that all the valuable heirlooms and jewelry had been switched with trash – imagine the insurance claim, the one Mr. Winslow said would take place after my elimination – a fire, with insurance paying for construction of a restaurant being planned on these properties! Including the Laundromat next door, where the owner was never seen after being set up by the same risk analyst!!
Once I reported the clamped, cross-connected underground utilities, the hell ensued to the next round. The only way to cover up the evidence would be to rectify all the underground utilities, which meant all structures would have to be torn apart again. The lines down the alley – which is when the water meter behind my house was returned to it’s original location – however, the other tie-in to the garage was not put back. Walls cut back further as the lines were rectified. Sidewalks and surrounding cement replaced AGAIN. Storm drains. Gas lines. It was all being rectified, followed by more altered / updated records to match the current layouts.
Mayor Alan Autry successfully pinned me down so the horrors could continue. As long as I continued being monitored, sabotaged, prohibited from help, restitution or even filing a report, these people were free to continue the horrors – and cover up what was done to my family. Because if the truth had ever been allowed to be documented – it would be found that this is behind countless others who were victimized in the same manner – including the “unsolved” murders I was not allowed to provide information.
Updating Gas Line Records (Pic) ===> http://tinyurl.com/bpx69xc
To this day, anything I say is met with being told I am “crazy” or “liar” or I “imagined” all of this. Really? But others are not "liars" or "crazy?" I am the ONLY person being accused of imagining all of this?!?
CLICK ===> Three More Witnesses
There are countless witnesses to Olive Ave. being widened – not everyone is dead yet. They also saw it being done 1 block at a time. Including my family's properties properties – during Mayor Autry’s so-called “water infrastructure upgrade.” Therefore, the underground utilities would be as chopped up as it continued, with code violations as I have been stating all along. All of this is the evidence behind the risk analyst’s lies regarding the sewage spills / murder of Rolf. Death and amputations of neighbors also set up for annihilation. With a trail of this being done to others – naturally, this group wants the evidence altered in order to continue calling me a “liar.”
So all the lines have been rectified in the area – not only beneath these structures, down the alley, but also including down Olive Ave. More new cement, more altered storm drains, etc. With the City of Fresno STILL denying the street was widened. Did they alter all of this in a manner to make it appear that none of this took place - so they can continue denying all of this while pointing the finger to ME of being a “liar” and “crazy?” With so many witnesses to the truth, they have ultimately MAGNIFIED the operation, lies, and massive amount of effort and money invested into the cover-up. Wouldn’t it have been simpler to handle this discreetly – along with having me sign a gag order as it has been implied done with countless others?
Not accusing, just wondering about all the street lights down Olive Ave. Wouldn’t they have been removed / altered again? Is it a coincidence they all shut off? Blamed on copper wire theft. The City indicates they will not be repairing them for several more months – no doubt.
I am too far outnumbered to survive this much longer. Lost my family, my means of survival, everything I owned, even the deed to my house while being set up by the City of Fresno. A friend is temporarily funding me but the City of Fresno and their group still need me off this final property. Clearly, I am being set up for the next chapter.
CLICK ===> Ongoing Cover-Up Behind Rolf’s Murder
Craig, the “paralegal” who prepared a fraudulent Trust – demanding I sign, claiming to be my “best friend” while behind my back, telling people I killed my own family members and deserved what was done to me!
CLICK ===> Years of chemicals and setting up for annihilation
CLICK ===> Wilbert Swieso / DiBuduo & DeFendis
CLICK ===> Old blog re: Swieso – full circle
CLICK ===> Swieso / David A. Silva, atty FRAUD
CLICK ===> Jason at Fresno's Secret Service
Refused help, I posted online. Kept monitored, City of Fresno responded to my blog with sexual harassment. I took it to another risk analyst, Kevin Watkins, who insisted the City was innocent – he implied that I posted it to MYSELF! (City always blaming and pointing elsewhere.) The ISP verifies exactly where this came from.
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/46z9d3n .Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/4t3jy6e .Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/4mvoczt .
Principal Ins re: Swieso fraud, susp homicides ===> http://tinyurl.com/4syw9cm
“Unsolved” murder 2 doors west http://tinyurl.com/3shkncr
Perez disappearance 1 door east http://tinyurl.com/86r9mff
Sheriff Re: Winslow evidence ===> http://i.picoodle.com/66dj1vwl
City, between being raped http://tinyurl.com/46z9d3n
Attorney Fraud http://tinyurl.com/bkmtexj
Home Health Fraud http://tinyurl.com/6uo4see
Eberwein Auto Repair http://tinyurl.com/yjuamu8
Ongoing horrors, deaths, disappearances http://tinyurl.com/8yppw38
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/3f3hg97
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/4lmf9t8
Pic ===> http://tinyurl.com/7tfgy7r

Saturday, January 5, 2013
More reasons Fresno attorney should have been investigated
COPY OF BLOG POSTED JANUARY 2011 (updated links inserted.)
Lies, fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent insurance policies, suspected homicides, unsolved murder - clearing the path behind Fresno's water scam.
Look at all these deaths / alleged disappearances within a radius of 250.' Altered public records to cover up what took place behind all of this.
Clearer image
Click here for clearer image
(Photo does not show the alleged disappearance of woman occupying other portion of duplex. Nor alleged disappearance of Laundromat owner 1 door west after being set up for annihilation by same risk analyst who set Rolf and me up. Or death of the man 1 door north after serving his purpose in Wilbert Swieso's secret sideline.)
City of Fresno would not allow information / evidence behind the unsolved Polzin murder shown above. What about the attorney who handled the estate - that was Mr. Silva.
Click: William Polzin's Unsolved Murder
I accidentally got away before this mob finished me off - as you can see my handicapped uncle and neighbors were not so "lucky."
Click: Down's syndrome man annihilated behind water scam
RECAP OF LEGAL FRAUD - all in preparation for illegal takeover.
In 1999, immediately after the death of my handicapped uncle, Wilbert Swieso (estate planner) hired me to work for him. At this same time, David Silva was setting up in the office next door to Mr. Swieso. The title "bankruptcy attorney" was painted on Mr. Silva's door. He and Mr. Swieso were very close. They attended Estate Planning Council meetings together. They "shared" clients.
And they conspired in fraudulent legal documents.
Wilbert G. Swieso, CLU, ChFC told me my siblings were planning on destroying me - planning on leaving me homeless. Over and over he told me to trust him - said he could not have been in business all these decades if he was not an honest man. He instructed me to do as he said, if I wanted to be safe - I had to put Rolf's estate properties (that were to be divided among my siblings and me) into another Trust. With Mr. Swieso and Mr. Silva repeatedly assuring me this was legal (which is was NOT), I agreed to do this for a short time - until I got back on my feet. (I had just spent 14 yrs as a care provider to my father and handicapped uncle.)
Over and over, Mr. Silva asked me if I was in contact with my siblings. No - ties had been severed. Not until he was sure of this, did he proceed with the fraudulent legal documents.
I was being administered unknown chemicals at the time - these men set me up for what ensued. No matter how hard I tried to get help or report what they had done to me - every avenue had been blocked. I was being treated as the criminal.
Of course they needed me off the properties. Big plans were underway - plans that began decades earlier. Plans that verifiy what I reported done to my family, our properties and me.
Click: Behind the insurance, legal and real estate fraud - how a fire was being planned
Not accusing, just wondering ..... the empty office Mr. Silva was occupying - nothing to indicate he was an attorney. How could it be so bare - he told me he previously shared this office with the other attorneys down the hall. It was later when I contacted that office down the hall - the receptionist told me no one in that office knew who Mr. Silva was. I never located 1 attorney who did know who Mr. Silva was.
David A. Silva was still practicing law in June, 2003.

Here you see him practicing in June, 2004.
It was after that time when I reported Mr. Silva for fraudulent legal documents and conspiring with Wilbert Swieso in an alleged real estate theft operation (and more.) Below is the response:
Mr. Silva knew he had been caught. He secretly closed his office - absconding with his clients' money and files.
Despite the onslaught of complaints from his other clients who had been abandoned, and the fact Mr. Silva was not responding to CA BAR Assn., his fraud was deemed nothing more than an "accident" with no harm done.
My response.
Mr. Silva was disbarred, however, closing his office allowed Mr. Swieso to avoid being investigated.
As I stated, all I can do is look back. Such as the time I asked Mr. Silva where he got his clientele - he said they were "referrals." I never could find anything pertaining to Mr. Silva's legal practice. Sure, his name is listed in CA BAR Assn. but after all the fraudulent legal documents and ID theft I have discovered throughout this ordeal, I wanted to find something more. I looked in old telephone directories - nothing. So I started from the beginning.
Below - this states Mr. Silva was admitted into the CA BAR Assn. in 1990. Once again - why could I find no listings?
I recall Mr. Silva telling me he had a son with special needs.
I also recall him and Mr. Swieso repeatedly boasting that Mr. Silva was previously employed by FBI but was fired. FBI = anything to do with Farm Bureau International?
Never did find anything showing Mr. Silva being an attorney.
UPDATE 1/5/2013: First of all I retract mention of "fake" attorney - I simply never found listings but that does not mean Mr. Silva was not who he claimed to be.
=====> CA BAR ASSN. - records indicate Mr. Silva is currently in the process of being reviewed for reinstatement of his license. His court date is January 18, 2013. Because I was never allowed to file a legitimate report pertaining to what this man and Mr. Swieso did to me (and what I saw done to others behind the water scam), he may very well succeed.
Lies, fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent insurance policies, suspected homicides, unsolved murder - clearing the path behind Fresno's water scam.
Look at all these deaths / alleged disappearances within a radius of 250.' Altered public records to cover up what took place behind all of this.
Clearer image
Click here for clearer image
(Photo does not show the alleged disappearance of woman occupying other portion of duplex. Nor alleged disappearance of Laundromat owner 1 door west after being set up for annihilation by same risk analyst who set Rolf and me up. Or death of the man 1 door north after serving his purpose in Wilbert Swieso's secret sideline.)
City of Fresno would not allow information / evidence behind the unsolved Polzin murder shown above. What about the attorney who handled the estate - that was Mr. Silva.
Click: William Polzin's Unsolved Murder
I accidentally got away before this mob finished me off - as you can see my handicapped uncle and neighbors were not so "lucky."
Click: Down's syndrome man annihilated behind water scam
RECAP OF LEGAL FRAUD - all in preparation for illegal takeover.
In 1999, immediately after the death of my handicapped uncle, Wilbert Swieso (estate planner) hired me to work for him. At this same time, David Silva was setting up in the office next door to Mr. Swieso. The title "bankruptcy attorney" was painted on Mr. Silva's door. He and Mr. Swieso were very close. They attended Estate Planning Council meetings together. They "shared" clients.
And they conspired in fraudulent legal documents.
Wilbert G. Swieso, CLU, ChFC told me my siblings were planning on destroying me - planning on leaving me homeless. Over and over he told me to trust him - said he could not have been in business all these decades if he was not an honest man. He instructed me to do as he said, if I wanted to be safe - I had to put Rolf's estate properties (that were to be divided among my siblings and me) into another Trust. With Mr. Swieso and Mr. Silva repeatedly assuring me this was legal (which is was NOT), I agreed to do this for a short time - until I got back on my feet. (I had just spent 14 yrs as a care provider to my father and handicapped uncle.)
Over and over, Mr. Silva asked me if I was in contact with my siblings. No - ties had been severed. Not until he was sure of this, did he proceed with the fraudulent legal documents.
I was being administered unknown chemicals at the time - these men set me up for what ensued. No matter how hard I tried to get help or report what they had done to me - every avenue had been blocked. I was being treated as the criminal.
Of course they needed me off the properties. Big plans were underway - plans that began decades earlier. Plans that verifiy what I reported done to my family, our properties and me.
Click: Behind the insurance, legal and real estate fraud - how a fire was being planned
Not accusing, just wondering ..... the empty office Mr. Silva was occupying - nothing to indicate he was an attorney. How could it be so bare - he told me he previously shared this office with the other attorneys down the hall. It was later when I contacted that office down the hall - the receptionist told me no one in that office knew who Mr. Silva was. I never located 1 attorney who did know who Mr. Silva was.
David A. Silva was still practicing law in June, 2003.

Here you see him practicing in June, 2004.
It was after that time when I reported Mr. Silva for fraudulent legal documents and conspiring with Wilbert Swieso in an alleged real estate theft operation (and more.) Below is the response:
Mr. Silva knew he had been caught. He secretly closed his office - absconding with his clients' money and files.
Despite the onslaught of complaints from his other clients who had been abandoned, and the fact Mr. Silva was not responding to CA BAR Assn., his fraud was deemed nothing more than an "accident" with no harm done.
My response.
Mr. Silva was disbarred, however, closing his office allowed Mr. Swieso to avoid being investigated.
As I stated, all I can do is look back. Such as the time I asked Mr. Silva where he got his clientele - he said they were "referrals." I never could find anything pertaining to Mr. Silva's legal practice. Sure, his name is listed in CA BAR Assn. but after all the fraudulent legal documents and ID theft I have discovered throughout this ordeal, I wanted to find something more. I looked in old telephone directories - nothing. So I started from the beginning.
Below - this states Mr. Silva was admitted into the CA BAR Assn. in 1990. Once again - why could I find no listings?
I recall Mr. Silva telling me he had a son with special needs.
I also recall him and Mr. Swieso repeatedly boasting that Mr. Silva was previously employed by FBI but was fired. FBI = anything to do with Farm Bureau International?
Never did find anything showing Mr. Silva being an attorney.
UPDATE 1/5/2013: First of all I retract mention of "fake" attorney - I simply never found listings but that does not mean Mr. Silva was not who he claimed to be.
=====> CA BAR ASSN. - records indicate Mr. Silva is currently in the process of being reviewed for reinstatement of his license. His court date is January 18, 2013. Because I was never allowed to file a legitimate report pertaining to what this man and Mr. Swieso did to me (and what I saw done to others behind the water scam), he may very well succeed.
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