As the horrors continued I saw this same risk analyst set up the neighbors on both sides – in the same manner she set up Rolf, who was left dead.

Neighbors across the street also left dead as this took place there. Turns out my neighbors had been "planted" and invested decades conspiring with Wilbert Wilbert Swieso in the annihilation / takeovers of my family and our properties, in preparation for the upcoming fire - they were no longer needed.
Still unaware of their involvement or the magnitude of damages (including plans for my final departure) behind all of this, I pled for help from Mayor Autry – these neighbors were in great danger! After refusing to acknowledge me, Senior Risk Analyst, Kerry Trost told me, “Mayor Autry is tired of hearing from you!” Wilbert’s other accomplice (JCW) told me the one next door to the north was going to have his foot amputated and die – he also told me the one on the other side (Laundromat) was also being eliminated so the properties could be taken over – said my family’s 3 properties were also being taken, and after I was dead I would meet the others, “In another world!” Sure enough – neighbor’s foot amputated, died age 49. (In the next house 2 feet/legs amputated. Both my feet, excruciating cellulitis, lucky they were not amputated.) Owner of the Laundromat allegedly vanished; Swieso was seen forging the wife’s name on an insurance application, “You can’t live for the dead.” Exactly as he did with the fraudulent legal documents prepared for Rolf’s properties in preparation for illegal takeovers.




Mayor Alan Autry had successfully cleared the remaining area Wilbert Swieso and Jeffry Winslow targeted decades earlier. Can you guess who ended up with all these properties? Keep in mind that alleged ID theft does not change the TRUTH! Nor this group’s trail of forgeries and fraud behind property takeovers.
Mayor Autry’s perjury and altered records are not enough to cover evidence of what took place here behind the water scam – so in addition to more attempts on my life, he had his group discard and/or scan/alter my photos to match the new layout (several boasted of doing this, RAB, Lanny etc.), which included the pictures on walls (frames cut down, original oil paintings replaced with copies on glossy paper), furniture that had been switched or rebuilt smaller to accomodate the smaller floor plan. Flooring, windows/doors, eaves, toilets, sinks, bath tub, all replaced with smaller trash. Garage/apt. also cut back; all contents stolen/switched; most of the plumbing no longer works – no longer habitable. These “updated” photos make it appear nothing changed. Items completely left out as though I never owned them. And with my final departure underway, who would ever know or even question anything.
Mayor Autry then had my storage unit looted; photos on my hacked /
networked hard drive altered to match. Of course as this was going on, so did
the poisoning, raping, catheterizations while incapacitated during
reconstruction. Not only waking up in excruciating pain, one time finding
my mother’s beautiful, heirloom diamond screw-on earrings had been switched with
trash while I was incapacitated. All reports and pleas for help were
prohibited. Informed I may have made it further than any of the others, but I
would not make it out alive. Alan Autry turned me into shark bait.
CLICK ===> Looted at long-time, well-known local Moving Van & Storage Co.
The covering up of evidence is one reason all friends, family, neighbors of victims are befriended / recruited – all their photos must be altered as well.
Filing cabinets filled with my family’s photos – dating back to the 20s, stolen (b-i-l of Councilman W, also left me in Emergency after alleged poisoning.) Every person I ever knew had been recruited; every friend of my parents (some were already involved that far back); even long-distance friends and relatives – they missed no one. Of course payoffs are a great incentive to those who participate in this operation – from new vehicles, money, cruises,
some even end up with property! While others are stripped of theirs.
On this particular trail – one finds in addition to dead victims, many of the participants also left dead after serving their purposes. This, of course, leaves it impossible to connect the dots let alone lead to Wilbert Swieso or Alan Autry – they are free to continue while being hailed as “honest and credible” assets to the community.
Keep in mind that the water scam has been going on for 60 yrs – cities rebuilt on top of the secretly-replaced underground infrastructures. Property lines changed. Streets widened. Relocation of street lights, utility poles, storm drains. So much of this is being done by unlicensed, unqualified fake work crews without permits or inspections, there is no record for it – such as
what took place here or entire area behind the killings and takeovers. Our officials simply have old records and “historic” aerial views altered to match the revisions as this continues, as though nothing changed. Old books have been reprinted. Revised old (new) maps and CDs being sold on EBay. Title companies
alter the plat maps.
Mayor Alan Autry is behind perjury, Restraining Order, sexual harassment, threatening me if I ever reported, contacted or pled for help again!


You will find no GENUINE old photos of Fresno (unless cropped so tight surroundings are not shown.) For example, here in the Tower District, our officials even deny widening Olive Ave. because it would have been impossible without the reconstruction of street-lined properties (including ours) which they deny. Presenting them with witnesses the City's own un-altered water layout and un-altered aerial views resulted in GREAT ANGER! Risk analyst, Kevin Watkins, first demanded to know, "Where did you get this?" Referring to the water layout. I got it from City Hall, where else? He took the paperwork and returned 20-30 minutes later demanding, "This proves nothing!" It proved everything.
Old photos verify 60 yrs of rebuilding on top of this trash - all the reconstruction without permits/inspections, massive code violations, this is behind cracked / leaking / cross-connected pipes, removal of main shut-off valves, mold, etc., which property owners are held liable to maintain. Our officials have records, photos, aerial views, etc. altered to deny all knowledge / responsibility. Here in the Tower District, it is behind all the fires, reconstruction, with a trail of annihilation / takeovers as the path was being cleared. Of course they must have all photos discarded or altered - they are covering up evidence behind countless deaths / murders, illegal takeovers!!!
So you see, in order to keep all of this hush-hush, it is imperative to these people that all old photos of Fresno are discarded or altered. Those who participate in achieving this goal are not held accountable – they are rewarded and protected from being found out. All reports of accompanying crimes prohibited - from burglary, rape, poison, forgeries of victims never seen again, property theft, evidence behind murders, alleged baby-selling operation, much more!
Priceless Heirlooms and Photos ===> Eve's Storage Unit
