Same thing was happening to me – in the house my parents also owned next door to theirs. Whether I shut everything off while at work, or whether I left the central air set at 80-90 degrees while gone – my electric rates were exorbitant. PG&E told me the same thing – there was nothing wrong with my meter either.

In fact I was so far gone due to the ongoing chemicals being administered without my knowledge as the water scam continued, I could not understand why I was always hearing water running through MY lines when the next-door neighbor was getting ready for work (2 a.m.) or when she returned. How was this possible? And why did these next-door neighbors insist on parking a broken-down car against the wall of my house? It blocked me from seeing the water spigot that had been added to that side of my home without my knowledge.
This is the continuation of what began back in the 60s. CLICK HERE!
After my parents passed away, instead of selling the 2 properties next door, I did what I could to save them – renting them out to generate income in order to care for Rolf. My plan was to keep everything together so that after my care providing duties with Rolf were over, everything would be split with my siblings – as intended. Unfortunately, behind my back, my siblings had already been recruited by this group – big plans were underway, which did not include me. That explains the ongoing hell with each tenant – theft, tearing the properties apart, fraudulent lawsuits against me, the harder I tried the worse things became. In addition to money being poured into repairs, as well as more money needed for Rolf’s escalating health problems, which began after the sewage spills (which the risk analyst was lying about – leaving Rolf dead) I mortgaged my home in an attempt to keep up. Nonetheless, with my behavior while being poisoned in addition to all those fraudulent lawsuits on file, regardless they never won – it is me who could not look worse. With those behind the horrors being hailed as the “honest and credible” ones.
The chemicals continued – I was oblivious to what was being done right under my own nose. At the same time one of the neighbors across the street derived great pleasure in telling me of their low electric rates. How could mine be up to 4 x higher than his? And why did he and his roommate seem so obsessed with living near my family and me? Relocating / transferring within 3 different homes directly across the street, intertwining with others involved in the horrors, lying about what took place. At one point my electric bill reached over $900 – I was unknowingly paying for all the equipment behind major reconstruction while at work (employed by Wilbert G. Swieso, at the core of hell. Including the relocation of the utility pole described above – after all of the lines and cables mysteriously fell to the ground with Wilbert Swieso trying to swindle me of $2,000 to reconnect. Upon mentioning PG&E, he and his thugs (including the tenant, Dianna's Dancing involvement. PG&E told me to pay the bill or I would be CUT OFF!
It was when my neighbors across the residential street had company for 2 weeks, staying in a huge motorhome hooked up to that house, MY electric bill reached $550+/-!!!! I immediately contacted PG&E. Kept so closely monitored and sabotaged, all those wires that had been there for so long, vanished! PG&E then told me without evidence, no help. I then went downtown to speak with someone about the situation. Upon providing the woman with the address of this house across the street in order to verify electric theft, her mouth dropped. She looked at me and said, “I am so sorry.” Sorry because she could not help me – she said these people were protected by “Disclosure Laws.” She further told me PG&E could not help because nothing was stolen from THEM, it was stolen from their customer, which left them protected.
Regardless my rates had dropped so drastically, there was still an ongoing issue as to why my electric meter would sometimes run so fast when nothing was turned on. And why did it continue to run when I shut off the main switch!?! Again, PG&E told me there was nothing wrong with the meter. It went on for years. Until that day when the employee saw it with his own eyes – nothing was on other than a refrigerator and laptop yet the meter was running sporadic and crazy for no reason. He took the time to help me track all the switches on the meter panel.
To begin with, the switches occupy 2 panels. One panel was “dead” or so it used to be – so I never touched that panel. Secondly, the shut-off switch on the right panel no longer exists, it had been removed. Thirdly, some of the switches from the right side had been transferred to the left side so when I shut everything off on the right side, the left was still turned on. So what was connected on the left panel?

By this point my central heating and air conditioning unit had been destroyed – the only thing left that ran on gas was my hot water tank in the basement. Not only had the tank been switched, piping had been altered; more new cement. I was paying for the next-door neighbors 10 people by that point, as the torch had been passed to the nephew etal) to do their dishes, laundry, bathing? At the same time more alterations to my home continued – including the basement where the lock was switched so I could not enter. After sawing the lock off, seeing the major alterations to the area (including the wall cut back), I shut that hot water tank off as well. Once these neighbors moved out I asked the next group if I could see the hot water tank in that house – there was no hot water tank on the property.
As you can see, my parents and I had been ambushed from all sides. As long as the chemicals continued, we were incapable of solving what was right under our noses.
The new owner of my family’s properties next door (taken by fraud) is not only linked to Wilbert Swieso (who is linked to the next-door neighbors mentioned above) but the Laundromat as well. Where the same risk analyst who set up Rolf and neighbor next-door to the north for elimination, also set up the owner of the Laundromat prior to his “alleged” disappearance – followed by Wilbert Swieso forging the wife’s name on an insurance application citing his motto, “You can’t live for the dead.” (JCW, also linked - Wilbert's accomplice.)
My point? I was informed that the owner’s tenant on the corner, where my parents lived, was complaining bout the PG&E rates being so high. How could that be if no one was even there much of the time?!? PG&E told him nothing was wrong – the previous occupants paid approximately the same amount. What a coincidence – the new owner has the electric wires cross-connected into his appliance store next door, running / testing washers and dryers all day, everyday. Would that usage be similar to what the Laundromat was using back in the 80s – up to when the owner vanished? The dead do not expose this – nor the names that intertwine as it continues.
Decades of utility theft. As grateful as I am to now open a utility bill showing usage of under $30, tears flow as my heart still breaks while remembering what my parents went through. Not only this, but so much more – the truth continues being buried deeper and deeper.
Just recently, more nearby digging and tree removal. I asked if this was being done in order to alter more water lines – of course I was told no. Then I noticed my water pressure had improved. More odd is that regardless I used double the amount of water last month (planting a garden), my bill was reduced. I suspect my water line on that side was finally disconnected.
So many people complain about the Smart Meters overcharging – becoming more upset when told there is nothing wrong with the meters. Maybe it is not the meter. Utility theft has never been easier – and look who is protected. So keep in mind that not only do these Smart Meters make it easy to track and identify electric theft, we can now monitor DAILY usage by looking at our accounts online! If someone is using their neighbor’s gas or electric while no one is home, it is now so easy to spot.
I sent an email to the City of Fresno asking if we could monitor our water usage in this manner. After all, many people have complained about underground lines cross-connecting, main shut-off valves removed (as one of mine were) leaving no control. With water rates escalating so high, with talk of another increase in the near future, this is something that needs to be addressed. Because picking up the lids to the City meters in order to read the numbers, is not only difficult for some of us, but nasty and filthy.