In 1982 the torch was passed to Wilbert G. Swieso. Where we met at Principal Insurance (then called Bankers Life of Iowa.) Two other employees were recruited to assist him in the annihilations and takeover – both left dead, leaving nothing linking back to Mr. Swieso.
Wilbert Swieso’s Barbaric Operation Comes Full Circle
Decades of ‘alleged’ poisoning continued, in order to keep my family and me oblivious to what was taking place. Not only to the surrounding area but right under our noses. On our own properties.
The area had been “planted” with people conspiring in annihilation and takeover of our 3 properties. One by one my family was being eliminated. The last 2 were even denied autopsies, which would have verified the alleged poisoning.
CLICK ===> Rolf
Once Rolf was eliminated, the chemicals continued being administered to me without my knowledge as Wilbert Swieso coerced me into signing fraudulent legal documents by convincing me that my siblings had set out to leave me homeless, so I better do as he said. Instead of dividing the assets, he conspired with his “attorney” in overriding an Irrevocable Trust, appointing HIMSELF, “Successor Trustee” – should anything happen to me. It appears he paid off my siblings for Rolf’s properties as well as my home - I was being set up for elimination.
Totally out of my mind as the chemicals increased, Wilbert Swieso was exploiting me to everyone as “crazy.” Just as I had seen him describe others who ended up dead. That way, no one cared or questioned anything. He enrolled me in a fraudulent Long Term Care policy – in his own handwriting stated I was employed at a water district (his Pension client), appointing himself “Beneficiary” of the life portion.
Earlier posts explain the water scam – cities being rebuilt on top of a secretly-replaced water system. On and on I explained how I was robbed and raped as my home was torn apart to accomplish this – followed by altered records to match the new layout, perjury by the City of Fresno to deny what took place, followed by sexual harassment and death threats.
CLICK ===> My Home / The Aftermath
CLICK ===> More Photos
Earlier posts also describe how the tenants on Rolf’s properties had been “planted” as well. The ongoing hell, destruction and filing of fraudulent lawsuits against me. Regardless they never won in court, on paper I cannot look worse. I described how the same risk analyst who set Rolf and me up for annihilation, also set up Albert, owner of the Laundromat next door. Albert was never seen again. I saw Wilbert Swieso forge the name of Albert’s wife on an insurance application, “You can’t live for the dead.”
CLICK ===> Albert Perez
I described how one of the tenants had caused damage to the gas line, somehow tangled in the electrical lines before lighting over 100 candles, turning on the gas full blast and leaving the premises. Same time the neighbor on the other side of me moved out of her house for a few months. Said she was moving to GA. After seeing her at her father's house around the corner 3 weeks later I asked him why she lied. He did not know - nor why she moved from her home into an apartment located across town.
THE DECADES OF POISONING AND CONSPIRING AMONG THESE NEIGHBORS HAD FINALLY COME FULL CIRCLE. the underground utilities had been successfully cross-connected - a fire was planned in order to take down all these structures together!
CLICK ===> Tower District: 20+ Fires Within 1 1/2 Mile Radius, Down Olive Ave!
This explains the lies by the risk analyst as the sewage floods continued. Not only was she paid to set us up for annihilation in order to carry out the City of Fresno water scam, she was involved in Wilbert G. Swieso's portion as well. At the time it made no sense how rags from the Laundromat across the alley were coming up my sewer vent; items from the neighbors coming up my 2nd sewer vent. Nor did the explanation for these events make sense - claiming it was due to "negligence in sewer maintenance" when in fact no investigation had ever been made. The lines had been cross-connected. Even as the illnesses and deaths ensued, she simply said, "Not my problem." Because that was the goal - clearing the path. The risk analyst then discarded the 350+/- photos she took - the committed perjury to deny all!
Just as (click ===>) Jeffry C. Winslow told me. All 5 of these structures (our 3 and neighbors on both sides) were going to go down in flames - with Wilbert Swieso ending up owning all. Insurance would pay for the restaurant being planned.
Wilbert Swieso conspired with the property insurance agent, Ron Lamm (DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance) in what was coming. One way or another, Wilbert Swieso was taking over. Fraudulent documents had already been prepared; path cleared; several participants left dead; he was on his way.
CLICK ===> DiBuduo & DeFendis Ins.
How far gone was I kept in order not to see what was being done to Rolf’s properties? Wilbert / City of Fresno did not even wait until he died before tearing into his properties. Using the risk analyst to lie to me while having me bled of thousand$ for ongoing "repairs." Even 2 new central heating/air units (5,000) switched with trash behind my back. Money needed for Rolf's medical care was being poured into this nightmare - I finally mortgaged my home to continue paying all of this. I tried so hard to keep things together - including the properties, which would later be divided among my siblings and me. Behind my back, other plans were being made - including the elimination of Rolf and me. Once Rolf died, my house (next door) was next on the menu. Ongoing poison, taken out of town, kept sick as hell.
This is why the structures were built with such trash. Contents stolen/switched with trash. Risk analyst sabotaged my homeowner's property insurance claim so there would be no report, evidence, help or recourse. As I have said all along, it was not expected I would still be alive.
Alan Autry backed up perjury to deny what took place on these properties - annihilations, illegal takeover (more fraud not mentioned here), major reconstruction, street widening, much more. He made sure that none of my pleas for help were addressed nor reports documented. He had me stripped of all human/civil rights as he and his mob seized control.
I could still hear my water lines being used by the neighbors – just as I did for decades. The difference was that I was no longer being poisoned. These properties had not only been rebuilt on top of the City’s secretly-replaced water system – they had been rebuilt on top of what Wilbert Swieso and these neighbors had plotted in for decades – cross-connecting the underground utilities!
I began exposing this information near the time the widow (husband died after the sewage spills) lost her home in foreclosure.
CLICK ===> Spreading Illness, Disease, Death in Fresno
Or was she moving again so she would not be in danger of the fire being planned? One thing is for sure - the information pertaining to the cross-connected underground utilities was NOT WANTED!
CLICK ===> House Next Door
If this is not bad enough ...... guess who else conspired in all of this (while unknowingly setting themselves up in the "rotation system.") Follow the illegal conversion of assets. I never stood a chance. Neither did Rolf or the others.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Fresno, CA Sewage Spills: Respiratory, Infections, Amputations, Deaths / Clearing The Path!
The sewage spills were planned and deliberate – so were the deaths.
Click: Look who is spreading infections, amputations, deaths
Learn how the City of Fresno is using this technique to “clear the path” as they carry out their secret water scam.
They not only deny the planned, deliberate and timed sewage spills while lying to their victims about the cause (giving NO chance of protection), they deny what follows the deaths of their victims. Major reconstruction without permits or inspections on top of haphazardly-clamped sewer / water lines (massive code violations.)
Title companies alter the parcel maps to match the new layout / property lines.
Aerial views are altered as each structure completed.
Old books / directories have been reprinted with updated “vintage” photos.
Structures re-sold as “original.”
The City of Fresno denies their own tree pulling, street widening, relocation of street lights, and escalation in ADA violations as the City is completely rebuilt on top of this trash.
CLICK: Sidewalks in Fresno - Serious Perils for Pedestrians
CLICK: Fresno Pedestrians in Peril: “Sidewalks Must Be Accessible, Says 9th Circuit"
CLICK: Did You Thank Mayor Alan Autry For All the New Sidewalks and Gutters?
Despite witnesses to ALL the utility poles on my block being relocated, or the fact that Wilbert Swieso etal tried to swindle me of $2,000 to reconnect all the lines/cables when torn down from our properties, the risk analyst called me a “liar.” With PG&E’s records altered to match the new layout, I was forced to pay an additional 900+/- on my utility bill that month!
“Planted” tenants in Rolf’s properties next door as the City risk analyst continued to lie about the cause behind recurring sewage spills. I was also being bled of ten$ of thousand$ in so-called repairs, unaware of the City having Rolf’s properties torn apart and rebuilt section by section, on top of their secretly-replaced water system. Bled of money needed for Rolf’s health care until finally mortgaging my home to continue paying bills. As long as the chemicals continued, I remained oblivious.
Rolf’s death was timed to the City “water infrastructure upgrade” and street widening in front of his properties on (Olive Ave.) Widening Olive Ave. was impossible without major reconstruction of street-lined properties. The City altered records and now denies widening Olive Ave!
Same with the residential street in front of my house around the corner.
Several feet were also cut from front lawns – compensated by narrowing the alley!
Outsiders are recruited, “planted” and rewarded to participate in takeovers and reconstruction. Since they are not rewarded until after the structure has been turned over, it appears that annihilation of property owners has become a SPORT! There are no repercussions - any / all reports of crimes linked to the water scam are not allowed. From murder, rape, poisoning, insurance fraud, alleged child-selling operation – reports are prohibited.
CLICK: City Targets Down’s Syndrome Man (Rolf) for Annihilation
As this continued, I endured ongoing illness, respiratory, cellulitis of both feet.
Next-door neighbor endured hepatitis, staph, foot amputation, dead age 49.
Neighbor in the next home endured foot amputation; then leg amputation.
Neighbor across the street died of Toxoplasmosis (sewage-contaminated soil.)
I was employed by Wilbert Swieso – I saw this pattern time and again, including forged, altered legal documents / insurance papers as he cited his motto, “You can’t live for the dead” just as he did with Rolf’s properties.
Kept surrounded, isolated, discredited as I continued my efforts to save the properties as well as myself. Too far outnumbered as the hell and taunting continued.
Ongoing attempts to seek help or file reports REFUSED!
CLICK: Illness, Respiratory, Bacterial Infections, Amputations, Deaths
According to Wilbert G. Swieso, self-professed mastermind, this is the continuation of “Bonadelle’s secret water operation.” He talked of the central valley’s water being redistributed. Told me that he tied in ANOTHER water operation, which he said the experts were “too stupid” to figure out. Carrying on that he is braver than anyone else when it comes to breaking laws, including water regulations, he took me on a tour to show me where his portion was being re-directed (Sky Harbor, where he owned vacant lots.)
50+ yrs of rebuilding Fresno (and beyond) is now tied in to the so-called “water infrastructure upgrade.” Including Wilbert Swieso’s portion.
What our local, State and Government agencies do not want the public to know:
CLICK: Overhead / Underground Utilities
CLICK: Behind Closed Doors
Below: Within radius of 400’
CLICK: Tower District Murder Cover-Ups
CLICK: Tower District Properties (after the turnovers)
CLICK: Tower District – 20 fires within 2 mile radius
BONUS: This attorney was not only behind the fraudulent legal documents for Rolf’s properties, he handed the estate of murdered William Polzin 2 doors west. The murder remains “unsolved” because the City will not allow the facts, names or evidence to be documented. Also linked to more, 2 doors north. Upon being reported for fraud, this attorney (fake?) closed his office and fled, never to be seen again.
CLICK: David A. Silva, atty
Insurance agents also conspire with Wilbert Swieso in annihilation / takeover
CLICK: DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency
With my final departure being planned (ongoing chemicals, told I would be meeting the others, “In another world”, fraudulent legal documents, fraudulent life insurance policy on me), not only were the properties being stripped, vehicles / trailer switched.
CLICK: Eberwein Auto Repair (VIN Altering)
Upon later reporting that my home and surrounding structures had been rebuilt on top of cross-connected water lines, Senior Risk Analyst Kerry Trost yelled at me, “Too bad – that is YOUR problem since it is YOUR property!” Evidence of the CITY’S WATER SYSTEM IN THE ALLEY IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY – it verified EXACTLY what took place here. He then responded, “THIS IS OVER!” The man who accompanied the first risk analyst to commit perjury to deny what had taken place (as he smirked, “You will never prove it”), demanding that I was not allowed to speak to anyone but HIM, refused to acknowledge me any further. Contacting the City of Fresno was not allowed either – threatening letter reminding meI was not allowed to speak to anyone other than this man who COMMITTED PERJURY!
After the Restraining Order expired I went back to the City of Fresno, this time with photos and unaltered City records that verified everything that took place. Risk analyst, Kevin Watkins left me waiting for 30 minutes as he discussed the information with someone else. He then informed me that what I provided proved nothing. IT PROVED EVERYTHING! As for the sexual harassment, he implied that I created it and posted it to MYSELF! As you can see once again, I am not the person who alters City records to cover up what THEY do.
Brief meeting with Mike Sanchez, Fresno Planning Dept. was another farce.
CLICK: Mike Sanchez, Fresno Planning Dept.
Meanwhile, behind my back, plans for Round 2 were taking place to rectify the cross-connected water lines I was called a “liar” about. This entailed more chemicals, incapacitation with alleged use of catheter on me for prolonged durations as these structures were torn apart again to rectify the cross-connected water lines. Neighbors rewarded again. My home was left a worse shambles than the first time.
CLICK: Next-Door Neighbors – Ongoing Hell Behind Water Scam
Once again all the rooms left smaller – more theft / altering of my belongings. Photos on my hard drive altered again to match the new layouts – including items in STORAGE!
CLICK: Local Moving / Storage Company
Round 2 would have entailed more discharging of sewage into the flower bed (along the garage) where the lines were moved again. I wasn’t thinking of that when I reached down and pulled a few weeds 2 weeks ago. My hand instantly became swollen – just as my feet did during Round 1. (Third Dr visit today.)
Note: The last time I spoke with the risk analyst who set us up for elimination then committed perjury to deny what took place, she admitted these structures had been completely rebuilt on top of this trash. She further explained that the City of Fresno was not responsible because, “The previous owner had it done.” She obviously thought I was left dead too.
I lost my family, means of survival, belongings, and will soon loose my home. Prohibited from help or even filing a report so nothing would be on record for any of this. The City now claims it never took place because nothing is on record.
CLICK: The Final Chapter
Rolf and neighbors left dead and/or never seen again after being set up by risk analyst. It was not expected I would still be alive either. Continuing to be lied to / set up by City risk analyst, I was poisoned, robbed, raped as my home torn apart and left a shambles. City reacted to my reports and pleas for help with name-calling, perjury, Restraining Order, sexual harassment followed by death threats against me.
Just as the “planted” tenants did to me as this was taking place on Rolf’s properties next door, on record it is ME who appears the criminal / one in the wrong. Behind closed doors:
CLICK: My Home / The Aftermath
CLICK: More Photos
Throughout all the above, as the illnesses, infections, amputations and deaths ensued, the City of Fresno refused to test the soil after the sewage spills. Per risk analyst: “Not my job.” Her comment re: the illnesses and deaths (including neighbors): “Not my problem.”
In addition to the massive destruction / reconstruction without authorization, permits or inspections, these are the "new" sewer and water lines - imagine the nasty, filthy water that comes from this corroded trash. Or how much longer before they break.
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