How many billions of dollars would/did it cost to do this to ONE block?

Street widening; tree pulling; new sidewalks;
Relocation of street lights, traffic lights, fire hydrants, storm drains, gutters, utility poles;
Reconstruction of EVERY home;
Reconnection of gas lines and sewer/water lines (now clamped together);
Tree planters covering up secret tie-ins
The supplies; labor; heavy equipment.
Time and effort into altering public records to further deceive the public.
Below is evidence of the above. Witnesses and old photographs further verify what is taking place.

Multiply this by every block in the entire city ~ how many TRILLIONS of unaccounted dollars has been invested into this?
Then keep in mind that this goes beyond Fresno, CA ~ HOW MANY MORE TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS BEHIND THIS?!?
Or is it run by the funds from murder and real estate theft being covered up. Is that why Mayor Alan Autry had his risk analysts commit perjury after setting my family and neighbors up for elimination to pull this off.
The atrocities are tied directly into his so-called "infrastructure upgrade" and "new sidewalks." Specifically, the ones below, which the City then altered records to cover up! They now deny widening these streets, which entailed massive damages, reconstruction and altered property lines. Property owners were eliminated to avoid witnesses and/or complaints.

AND .... the residential street
Issuing a Restraining Order against me was to prohibit reports, while turning the tables and making ME appear the criminal. Followed by death threats if I do not stop exposing this barbaric operation behind secret replacement of the water system.
Spreading MRSA, staph, hepatitis, cellulitis, sewage pollution (asthma, respiratory, heart disease.) Sick-building syndrome from structures being rebuilt without permits or inspections, on top of clamped sewer and water lines. Talk of "selling" babies of murdered victims as this continues. Where is the line drawn?
While the ringleader laughs that no one will ever catch or stop him, here is the latest ~ linked to Alan Autry, etal.

The operation goes beyond Fresno, CA. Is it any wonder CA is now declaring bankruptcy? At the same time they are secretly making plans for development in the area where the valley's water is secretly being redirected? Casinos, dams, housing, golf courses.
CLICK: Casino blog # 1
CLICK: Casino blog # 2
CLICK: Casino blog # 3

Fresno, CA Mayor Alan Autry 2000-2008
aka: Bubba Skinner "Heat of the Night" 1988-1995